이십 칠 - सत्तावीस

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"Noona!" Jungkook grinned plopping down by her, Gauravi sighed but nevertheless nodded in acknowledgement. Her 'keeping minimum contact with Jungkook' plan was so not going well. Then there was his hyung. God how she hated that she couldn't control herself in matters of him. Just one look from his cat eyes and she was gone. She sighed in frustration. Since few days nothing was going according to her plans, everything was all over the place.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat making her snap her head in that direction. "Goddamn it!" Gauravi whisper-cursed when she saw Yoongi settling down beside her. She looked up in annoyance whispering why. She really didn't like the way the guy upstairs was making things happen in her life right now.

"Hyung!" Jungkook greeted as cheerfully as he had greeted her before turning towards Gauravi and starting his blabbing again. All this time Jungkook had his mouth going on and on which Gauravi had been not paying attention to because she was too busy thinking about handling her recently arose problems, just like one sitting right beside. She leaned little towards him before whispering.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Hmm?" He looked up in question, acting as if he really didn't get what she was asking about but that stupid smirk on his face gave it all away. She glared at him in anger which caused him to chuckle. "I told you I am not stopping and I won't let you run away when I know you also want it."

"Shhhh!" She shooshed him for speaking like that as if it was normal. She quickly glanced at the other side to Jungkook but that boy was too busy in his blabber to notice any other thing. "Can you not?" She hissed.

"Can I not what? You asked the question and I kindly answered it." He replied with that silly smirk on his face.

"Fuck why this has to happen to me!" She groaned slamming head little hard on the headrest behind her in frustration.

"Noona!" Jungkook called out worriedly when she did that. "Are you okay?" He asked touching her back of head checking for injury. And that was it. Red flag waved in front of the bull. Jungkook's hands was suddenly smacked off her head. "Hyung! What would you do that?!" Jungkook cried rubbing his smacked hand which was now turning red. Gauravi turned towards Yoongi too with her eyebrows furrowed. What was that? She thought.

"You seemed to forgot what I told you that day." Yoongi grunted through his teeth. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and it was like something snapped inside of his head. He suddenly narrowed his eyes and directly glared at Yoongi. Yes, glared at Yoongi in anger.

"I remember but I don't have to do everything you say. I will do anything I want, you don't have any say in that." He spat in anger. Gauravi's eyes bulged out of her sockets. What the fuck is wrong with this kid?

"You little brat. This is how you talk to your hyung. You ra-"

"Mr. Min!" Gauravi almost shouted stopping him. His anger turned towards her, he glared at her and was about say something when she placed her hand on his thigh making him clam his mouth shut and direct his eyes to her hand, realising what she did, she nervously cleared her throat and pulled her hand back before turning towards Jungkook. "You!" She hissed narrowing her eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you? You don't disrespect your brother like that." Jungkook huffed and turned his head away. "Oh you don't. Look at me, Jungkook." She commanded at which Jungkook scowled but did as she asked. "Listen to me you, you both. I don't know what this is about but it would be better if you both sort it out rather than taking piss at each other like a bunch of pussies." She snapped glaring at both of them before standing up and moving out of her seat.

She was mad. She was pissed mad. Nothing was going her way and here they were adding fuel to the flame. She sighed in frustration as placed her butt on empty seat beside Taehyung who was fast asleep. Good, she thought adjusting herself, she stretched and turned her head to crack her neck when she caught Jimin eyes. He was staring at her, like deadass staring. Feeling uncomfortable she tried to smile but she was sure that came out as grimace. If his stare didn't make her that uncomfortable and confuse then his glare after her smile sure did. What the fuck now!? She screamed in her mind and averted her head. What the fuck is happening why is the angel from the heaven, Jimin was glaring at her and it just didn't end there, she could feel his glare burning hole in her the whole flight. As soon as they landed she was out of that metal cylinder avoiding pretty much everyone.

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