마흔 둘 - बेचाळीस

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"Thank you I'll be heading in." Gauravi rushed stepping out of the car.

"I-Gaur-I'll be waiting here!" Ben shouted over earning a wave of her hand before she disappeared from the sight. "I hope everything will be fine." Ben sighed before turning the steering wheel to park the car aside.

Gauravi took a deep breathe before knocking on the door.

"Come in." She straightened up before opening the door and walking in.

"Sir." She greeted standing straight in front of his brown mahogany desk. He was busy doing something on his computer screen. She cleared her throat trying to gain his attention.

"I heard you Apte." His deep voice boomed in the room making her clench her fist. If anyone she feared after her mother then that was her boss. "You know why I have summoned you here." What am I? A demon to be summoned. Gauravi thought starring at the wall behind him.

"Yes sir." She firmly replied.

"Then you also know the consequences."

"But sir-"

"I DON'T LIKE EXCUSES!" He shouted slamming his fist on the desk as he stood up. Gauravi blinked but didn't wavered her position. "I had warned you. Didn't I?"

"Yes, sir."

"Why had someone else had to report in when it was your job in the first place?" Gauravi didn't answer. "Answer me!"

"Situation was little out of the hand. He was injured and we ha-"

"Excuses again!" He screamed. "Why there is still no any intel on the fake ids? And how the fuck did he get injured in the first place when you are fucking assigned to guard them?!!"

"We were fucking tricked! For last months we have been trying to locate that fucking mole but you want us to cooperate with them when they straight away refused us on investigation of the staff. All we could get was the new recruits." Gauravi explained taking deep breathe trying to calm herself down. Her chief sighed as he moved his eyes to computer screen and then back to her.

"What about your identity? Didn't I warn you? One mistake and you are off."

"What do you mean? It was going to happen one day or another. And I think they deserve to know the whole truth about it. It's their life that is in the danger! Hiding about something like this would put them in more danger!"

"Their idols Apte! Idols! Those are the boys filled with passion for music. One little worry can sabotage everything. I had warned them about hiring you! I don't fucking know why did they even recruit you in the first place?! We have so many other well qualified agents yet they had to choose a useless rebel from all of them!" Chief groaned rubbing his temple. Gauravi's jaw clenched as her nails digged into her palms.

"You are right sir. I am the useless rebel. I do think things recklessly, no thinking, no planning. But there is one thing I do right sir, that I have learned from you." She looked up staring dead into his eyes. "I am not a sissy. You always told us. If you start something then you have to finish it even if it takes your life. Sir, I don't know why they hired me but one thing is sure, I won't disappoint them if they have trusted me to do this job." Chief stared at her with his lips pressed.


"And about boys. When you said that they are idols, boys filled with passion for music. You were absolutely correct sir. But sir, that passion is soo deep that something like this wouldn't stirred them away from their music." Gauravi said sternly her eyes not moving from his. "About the job, I won't leave until they ask me to."

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