마흔 네 - चव्वेचाळीस

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"Thank you." Gauravi said nodding at Ha Joon who had dropped her off at the dorm. Ha Joon nodded back.

"Should I come alon-"

"Joon it's fine. First, do the thing I told about." Gauravi sighed looking at him. He had been persisting her the whole ride here to let him come along or she should think about this calmly before doing anything.

"But ma'am you should really-"

"Joon." She called making him stop. He gulped looking away before nodding his head.

"Okay, I'll leave." With that he left without any more words. Gauravi sighed looking at the disappearing car. She was damn tired. It's like he got trained under Ben. Sighing again she turned around and started walking the way towards their dorm. 'It is true that I should calmly take the decision but my gut's telling to go with it. They deserve to know after what has happened and it's not like they don't have clue about it. From their reaction that day, they didn't look that shocked at least not the older ones. Maybe they will be fine. But what if what chief said is true, will they able to handle it? Or am I just going to ruin everything?' She thought numerous questions running inside her head. Either way it was too late for them.

She was standing outside their dorm, her hand on the button about to press. "They deserve to know." She muttered to herself pressing the button. Even if she doesn't tell them, they will question her.

"Who is it?" A voice asked. Gauravi leaned down towards the camera.

"It's me. Gauravi." She replied looking at the camera. The door clicked opened. Hoseok stood their greeting her. She nervously smiled. "Can I come in?" She smiled asking.

"Oh yeah yeah." Hoseok's eyes widen as he stepped aside nodding his head.

"Thank you." Gauravi bowed walking in. Hoseok nodded his head quickly closing the door behind him and pulling out house slippers for her. She thanked him again putting on the slippers. "Is everyone home?" She asked following Hoseok as he lead her inside.

"Yes, we are to stay in for three days." Hoseok answered nodding his head. "Sit please." He said pointing towards the couch making Gauravi nod her head. "I will call others. Jin hyung, Jungkookie, jimin-ah, Namjoon-ah, Taehyungie, Yoonki! Everyone one come down!" He shouted making Gauravi flinched at his loud voice.

"Wae? Wae? Why are you shouting?" Jin asked walking out from behind them with a pink apron on. "Oh you? You are back?" Jin asked upon seeing Gauravi sitting on couch. Gauravi smiled and nodded her head. Jin removed his apron and rounded the couch to sit beside her. "Here." He said handing her his phone. Gauravi looked up in question. "You both went off and you didn't even come with us. So I couldn't get Ben's number." He explained making her tilt her head to side with a 'really?' look on her face. "Wae?" He asked looking at her expression.

"Hyung, hyung, english." Hoseok whispered from behind.

"Aah! Ben's number. I want Ben's number." He corrected himself.

"Yeah I understand but why wou-" Gauravi was cut off with a loud shriek and arms around her neck.

"NOONA!" Jungkook exclaimed jumping on her with his arms curled around her neck. "I thought you left us!" He muttered snuggling. Gauravi patted his back and coughed.

"H-honey, your g-guns are suffocating me." She coughed.

"Yah! Let go of her you brat." Jin shouted smacking Jungkook. "Let her go! Are trying to murder her?!" He smacked again when Jungkook didn't budge. Finally Jungkook let her go stepping back.

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