마흔 여섯 - शेहचाळीस

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"Tae go out of here right now!" Jin screamed pointing his hand at the entrance of kitchen. Taehyung stiffened at his placed looking at Jimin and Jungkook for help but both of them avoided his gaze and quietly did their work not wanting to be next to kicked out of there.

"But hyung I want to help t-" Jin cut him off glaring. Taehyung clammed his mouth shut and looked down.

"You are not helping Tae. You are making us do double work with you messing things up. Just go, there are enough people here to help." Jin sighed rubbing his temples. Taehyung pouted and reluctantly walked away from there. Gauravi awed looking at Taehyung pout as he stomped towards them.

"It's okay. You can join us here since we are not much of help in kitchen either ways." Gauravi said patting his shoulder. Taehyung pouted and nodded his head.

"Let's just go out and chat there." Namjoon suggested to which other two agreed and followed him to living room. "You say, you are not a good cook then how do you manage here? Do you eat take out every day or hotel food?" Gauravi chuckled scratching her head in embarrassment.

"Not a good cook is quite a overstatement. I am worse." She laughed. "Usually I used to order food when I first arrived here but one day Joon, I mean Ha Joon came over at my place and had almost a heart attack seeing my kitchen skills." She laughed again. "After that day he made me move in with him. Couldn't complain with the delicious food he cooks." She shrugged grinning.

"Lucky you then. Eating take outs everyday wouldn't be too good to your health." Namjoon said nodding his head. Gauravi just shrugged her shoulders.

"Jin hyung and Suga hyung are great cooks. You'll loved their food!" Taehyung exclaimed making Gauravi smile.

"Really? I have to see then." She grinned. "Must be nice living together like this?" Gauravi questioned looking around the living room.

"Well it has it's own pros and cons." Namjoon shrugged his shoulder smiling back to her.

"Yah you both! Food is almost ready, help setting the table!" Jin shouted from the kitchen. Taehyung quickly stood up and ran into kitchen. Gauravi stood up too wanting to help.

"You don't have to do that. You are our guest." Namjoon said. Gauravi opened her mouth to say that it's fine but clammed her mouth shut when he said, "Plus hyung will start shouting again if you help out." Gauravi gulped and nodded her head.

"Okay then. Umm can I use your rest room please?" She asked.

"Yeah sure. Let me show you the way." Namjoon led the way. He pointed out the door to her. "The second door from here." Gauravi nodded thanking him. Namjoon nodded and left.

She walked into the restroom closing the door behind her. Her eyes and head were starting to hurt with the lack of sleep and caffeine. Turning on the tap she splashed her face with water repeatedly to get rid of her tiredness. Closing the tap she looked up staring herself in the mirror. Her eyes were started to turn red. "Ugh." She groaned closing them. Pulling out some tissues she dabbed her face dry and tossed the tissue in the bin while heading out.

She opened the door and was about to step out when she was pushed inside. "What the- Mr. Min?" She exclaimed as he got in with her and locked the door behind him. "Mr. Min what are you trying to do? This isn't right. I have alre-" She was cut off as Yoongi crashed his lips against hers. Her eyes widened in shock before she could react Yoongi lifted her and placed her on the counter making her gasped. Taking the opportunity he took the lead, entangling his tongue with hers. His hands skimmed over her thighs to right under her swell of her breasts and back to her waist sweeping underneath her t-shirt. Gauravi moaned as his fingers traced her sides dipping lower. Her own limbs lost control as her hands traveled behind his neck pulling him closer while her feet crossed behind him locking him in her hold. Yoongi groaned as she clutched his hair to return the favour he tightened his grip around her sides making her groan.

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