열일곱 - सतरा

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"Hmmm." Gauravi was humming to herself while browsing through her phone. Even though here attention was on the phone, her mind was somewhere else. Yoongi's gaze was stuck in her mind. "Did I do something yesterday when I was drunk?" She whispered to herself furrowing her eyebrows. Thinking back to it she only remembers talking with Taehyung and Jungkook and after that she was drinking to herself. And she is sure that Yoongi wouldn't spare her a glance but guess she was wrong since he staring at her so intensely not even caring about anything else.

She was sitting on a stool as other staff run around her, shouting for things. The break was over and they were starting the shoot again. She saw Min Seo waving at her so pulling up her hand she wave to acknowledge her. Min Seo was about to walk towards her but was stopped by a man. She seemed irritated at what that man said to her, grumbling something to him, Min Seo turned towards Gauravi and mouthed, 'I'll talk to you later'. Gauravi nodded giving her a okay sign.

"NOONA!" Gauravi jumped almost crashed down to floor. She cursed under her breath, holding her hand to her chest. Turning around she saw Taehyung making his way towards her. "Noona! Noona! Noona!" He grinned jumping around holding a phone in his hand. He was excited and he was screaming, something that Gauravi really did not need right now. Even after four cups of coffee her head was still killing her.

"Taehyung hello." She fake smiled at the excited kid.

"Noona see! See!" He exclaimed waving his phone in front of her face.

"Yes, yes. But I can't see if you keep waving your phone honey." She said as if she was talking with a child.

"Taehyungie." A voice called making them snap their attention towards. Yoongi walked towards them his eyes on Gauravi.

"Hyung, I'm showing this video to noona!" Taehyung screamed causing her to grimace. Why the hell this boy is so excited? Gauravi thought rubbing her forehead. "Noona see this." He shoved his phone on her face.

"Yeah, yeah." Gauravi sighed taking his phone from his hand. Squinting her eyes on the screen, she saw some article in Korean. Bangtan's superwoman, it read. What shit is this? Gauravi mentally thought rolling her eyes. Scrolling up, a video showed up. What's this? She clicked on play. "Ahh." She said in realization. It was the video of her, when she pulled the girl away from the Jungkook.

"Noona you famous!" Taehyung exclaimed. She chuckled shaking her head at him. "Superwoman." He said. Chuckling again she pinched his cheeks.

"You are so cute." She cooed pinching his cheeks. "I'm not superwoman honey, it's just my-" She stopped realizing what she was going to say. "Anyone would've done the same in that situation." She said smiling at him.

"He He." Taehyung just giggle in return giving her a boxy grin.

"Taehyung!" Min Seo from other side of the set called, waving him over. Taehyung nodded. Gauravi smiled and handed him his phone.

"Good luck."

"Thank you noona." With that he left. Smiling to herself she turned to see Yoongi still staring at her. "Umm hi?" Her voice came out few octaves higher. Yoongi just stared at her not uttering a single word. Suddenly he stepped closer, too close causing her to stumble back but he held her arm steadying her.

"Why did you ran away?" He asked his voice deep.

"H-huh?" She stuttered. "W-what are you talking about?" She asked looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to them but nobody was. "Mr. Min, I don't know what are talking about but we can clear it without, you know doing this?"

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