열아홉 - एकोणीस

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"It's done." Gauravi whispered moving backwards after putting on the ointment on Yoongi's back. Yoongi turn around and leaned back on the table. "What?" Gauravi asked annoyed as he raised his eyebrow and motioned towards his torso. "What? You can do that yourself!" She hissed averting her eyes from his half naked self.

"Aww, really now? You didn't have any problem last night giving them."

"Last night, it was different! We both were drunk." She almost shouted, turning to glare at him.

"So you just gonna forget about everything huh? Pretend that it never happened?" There was he again, too close for her liking. It was not that she really hated it but him being this close made her lose control. She couldn't think about anything sane or logical, all she could think about was how his cat eyes narrowed at her annoyed, his lips forming a habitual pout, those pink pouty lips ughh!! She mentally groaned staring at them. All she wanted to do right now was kiss those pouty lips until they are red and swollen. "Look at you, do you really want to pretend that it never happened?"

"Then what do you want me to do, Mr. Min? We both were drunk when it happened, it was a mistake we recklessly made. It was wrong and this-" She said pointing at the little space they had between them. "is too."

In Yoongi's mind everything she was saying was right, he agreed with every word, he knew last night was not suppose to happen and it was mistake but there was his male ego. It was like she had just thrown a big boulder at his ego when she sneaked out of his room in the morning. No matter what had happened it wasn't suppose to be like this, her sneaking out and completely ignoring him. It was suppose to him who ignores not her. He had decided the moment when he found his bed empty, that he won't let go her that easily and also it was a free ticket to investigate about what she was hiding.

"Sometimes wrong things are all we need." Yoongi said closing the space between them. In his mind he knew that it was wrong, whatever he was doing, using this mean to sooth his male ego and get secret out of her. But after that night he also couldn't resist her just like her who was finding it difficult to push him away. When their lips meet it was like pure bliss, like rain falling on heated surface of earth. Their minds went blank, secrets, the wrongs, the rights didn't matter at  the moment, just a kiss making them lose themselves to forget about the reality.

Yoongi groaned in satisfaction when he felt her fingers running against his torso and make their way to his hair. She lightly tugged his hair earning a grunt from him. Both were lost, lost in bliss.

"Stop." Gauravi whispered pulling back from his lips. He just groaned and placed his lips to her neck, trailing small kisses from her neck to back of her ear. "No, we need to stop." She moaned tilting her neck where he continued his sweet torture. "Mr. Min, stop! My phone is ringing!" Gauravi suddenly shouted pushing Yoongi off her. Yoongi was shocked at the sudden force she used to push him off. "I-I am sorry. My phone is ringing." She explained before shakily pulling out her phone.

"Yes?" She breathed out.

"Gauravi wher- are you okay? You seem out of breath." Daeun asked from other side.

"Umm yes I am okay. Why did you call for?"

"Where are you? We have been waiting for you. You do know that we have to catch flight? And did you see Yoongi oppa? He's missing. The boys said that he ran off with you somewhere." Daeun fired questions all in one breath.

"Whoa, whoa breath girl. And yes I know we have to catch a flight and about Mr. Min..." Gauravi trailed off looking up at Yoongi, now fully dressed and staring at her with a heated gaze. "I think I saw him heading outside."

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