삼십 - तीस

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"Ani, ani, ani!!" Jungkook groaned throwing his phone down on the bed. He had been playing Asphalt 8 since morning, trying to entertain himself. "I am boreddddddddddddd!!" He whined sliding down his comforter. Jungkook was feeling like he was under house arrest. He was feeling fine after a little rest but no, the manager decided to let him skip the radio interview leaving him all alone here, bored to death.

There was no denying that he was disturbed after last night's incident. Just thinking about it brought shivers to his body. It's not like he had never been through a situation like that. They would always get mobbed at airport and such but he was never alone. There was always somebody by his side. He thought it would be okay with few photos and like always but things turned so-

"Jungkook-ah." Jungkook looked up breaking out of his thoughts to see Jimin walking into their room. A big grin graced his face after being alone for whole day in a hotel room.

"Thank god Jiminiee hyung you are here!" He exclaimed throwing off his comforter ready to get up. "I was so bore-" He stopped when he noticed another person walking in. "Noona?"

"Hey bunny boy." Gauravi greeted with a slight way. Shocked expression turned into a large grin. He was about to jump out of his seat when he remembered what had happened, he dropped his head down in sadness. Noona didn't like him, there is no need to do that. He thought. "Jungkook...." Gauravi trailed rushing towards his side. "I am so so sorry honey. I am soo sorry. I didn't mean any of the things I said yesterday, I swear. I-I was just stressed and worried. I am such a bad person." She muttered pulling her hair in anger and disappointment.

"No, noona it will hurt." A sweet voice said pulling her hands away from her hair. Gauravi slightly smiled at Jungkook. She felt like slapping herself for hurting such a sweet boy. Why did she do that?

"Jungkook, noona is very sorry. I am so ashamed that I couldn't face you but after what happened last night, I was so worried and scared. Somehow I just wanted to see if you were okay. I understand if you don't forgive me but I just wanted see if you were okay and apologize." She blabbered, most of the things were not understandable to Jungkook since she was talking to fast but he understand that she was sorry and worried about him which made him happy.

"It's okay noona. I forgive you." Jungkook said grinning at her. She sighed at his grin, how sweet that boy can be.

"My bunny boy, you don't know how worried I was." She whispered caressing his cheek. "They didn't hurt you did they?" She suddenly asked turning his face in all direction looking for injuries finding none she started patting his body when he hissed. Her eyes narrowed at his right lower arm. She pushed his sleeve up to see his arm bandaged.

"Back of his neck too." Jimin said from behind. Hearing that her eyes darkened which made Jungkook made almost jump away from her. He had never seen her like that, well he had seen her angry but looking at her eyes felt like the devil had possessed her.

"Let me see." She commanded at which Jungkook flinched but did as she asked. As soon as his hoodie was off she had turned him around to see his neck. She cursed loudly looking at the red scratch lines. They looked like they bleed when inflicted. She had pulled her phone out and dialed to Ha Joon.


"What has company decide to do with bitch who mobbed Jungkook last night?"

"Filed the case against her. Punishment would be at least two months of jail and heavy fine to pay." He answered.

"Oh no, not that easy, before that she is going to meet the devil herself." She grinded through her teeth. "You know what to do Joon."

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