오십 오 - पंचावन्न

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"Ma'am, listen to me. Ma'am!" Ha Joon was on Gauravi's tail since Soo Young blurted out about him being cozy with her American friend. "Please ma'am, let me explain." He pleaded following her. "It's not like that at all. We are not like that, Ma'am-"

"Listen Joon, your private life doesn't concern me at all. You and B-him, I don't care about it all. Why should I? I mean who am I too, right?" Gauravi said with bitter smile on her face. "Anyways, I have a meeting to go, so excuse me." Giving him a tight smile she left. Ha Joon sighed. Why does it feel like I'm coming in between bestfriends? He sighed again before turning and leaving to think of way to make up with his boss.

After avoiding Mr. Kim for days Gauravi had finally decided to go see him. He's been on her tail since the meeting. She didn't how is she going to be of any help to him but she couldn't afford to avoid him anymore with his stalking skills, someday he's going to catch up. And either way she need to distract herself from the things around herself. Walking in Mr. Kim's department she peeked in searching for any familiar faces.

"Miss Apte?" Gauravi jumped a little turning around to see Mr. Kim standing behind her with a smile on his face.

"Ahh, Mr. Kim! I was just looking for you." Gauravi said with grimace on her face. He scared the shit out of her. "I heard you were looking for me. Sorry I was busy last few days."

"Oh no, no. It's fine." He laughed shaking his head. "Please." He said leading her to his cabin. "My assistant informed me yesterday that you've been running around busy with work." He holding the chair for her to sit before passing her a glass of water. "I wouldn't have trouble you but the thing is that, this is a big project for us so I was hoping that you might help out us a little."

"Well, I'll be glad to be of your help. But I think I wouldn't be much of your help.  I did work with other artist but that was regarding small matters. But I'll try my best with anything that I could help with." Gauravi said smiling back.

"I am sure, you will be more than helpful Ms. Apte." He smiled. "Thank you for taking out time from your busy schedule to help us."

"Oh! You don't need to thank me Mr. Kim." Gauravi said shaking her head. Without any further due Mr. Kim started with the work. Gauravi did help him out with what little knowledge she had with working with other American artist. It was safe to say Gauravi was dumb as fuck when it came to this things. She realised that after spending an hour with Mr. Kim. No wonder he preferred Suran lady over her. Gauravi don't have anything common with his interest. Gauravi thought, latter scowling at her useless thoughts she went back listening to Mr. Kim.

"Sajang-nim?" A young man poked his head in interrupting the two. "Ah ye." Mr. Kim nodded as the young man walked in holding a paper bag and two mugs. "Ms. Apte, please." Mr. Kim said while the young man handed her the sandwich and coffee.

"Oh! Thank you." Gauravi bowed taking the offering. The man smiled and bowed back. Smiling to herself she opened the aluminium foil covering the sandwich.

"It's egg sandwich. Hope you don't mind." Mr. Kim said taking a bit of his.

"Oh no, thank you." Gauravi said biting into the sandwich. She internally moaned relaxing in her seat. Food always works. All worries and useless thoughts disappear the moment you bit into your food. Peacefully munching on her sandwich, her eyes fell on the open file. Suga, Suran collab, it read. "Mr. Min Yoongi is working on new project." Mr. Kim looked up in attention. That wasn't a question but a statement. "Ms. Suran? I haven't heard about her."

"Yes. Ms. Suran is a beautiful singer. Mr. Min Yoongi and her have worked together before too. They have quite a chemistry which also leaded to the dating rumours." Mr. Kim chuckled as if he couldn't believe that they were just rumours.

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