마흔 여덟 - अठ्ठेचाळीस

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"First id's and then a mutt in crew." Gauravi muttered as her pen kept repeatedly hitting the book on the table. "What more of reason do we need to confirm that this isn't a job of insider?" She sneered as pen stopped hitting the table. Ha Joon looked at the pen in her hand grateful for it being lifeless as for her grip on it was too hard to make it snap in two. "These damn idiots? What they think that these people working here are their family? Don't they know closer ones are most likely to be the sly snakes! One could sell you off to devil for money like that!" She sneered snapping her fingers.


"How does one trust someone to this extent I don't know? Or is that they don't care about their artist anymore for not letting us question their staff? I mean seriously what are they thinking?!" She finished off at the same time the door was slammed open. Gauravi turned annoyed at the intruder. "You better have good reason to walk in like that?" She glared at Soo Young who had a arrogant smile on his face.

"Well you better treat me for this!" He laughed in glee as he sat beside her. "Here, I got you a gift." He smirked passing her a folder. Gauravi glared but opened the folder pulling out some sheets of paper. "Focused on the red circles please." He laughed again pointing out.

"Dong Chung-Hee." She read the name placing the papers on the table.

"Uh huh. H. R. and man in-charge of allotting id's." He said leaning forward and rummaging through papers. "See. Check out his bank statements." He said pointing to red marked ones. "Here, large sum of deposit from chinese bank. If you remember correctly, you caught a girl on airport. That's the same person who deposited this. I did some digging found that it wasn't just her but there are many others too. They all are paparazzi or fansites which are now on the ban list of the company. To be more accurate some of these payments are made after the release of ban list." He finished off as he leaned back in chair and with a smirk on his face.

"How did you get this?" Gauravi asked as she raised her eyebrow in suspicion.

"Huh? What are you trying to say? Shouldn't you be glad that I work so hard and got you this!" He clearly looked offended the way Gauravi had asked him.

"Well, we were clearly struggling since the company wouldn't let us investigate the staff freely and here you are with this."

"Are you accusing me right now?!" He exclaimed to which she just gave him a poker face. "Waahh neo michyeoss-eo?! (Are you crazy?!) You think I used wrong ways?"


"Urgh! Fine! I did flirted in to get this." He mumbled avoiding eye contact. Someone snickered making him snap his head up. "Yah are you laughing at me?!" He screamed slamming his fist on the table.

"Oh god!" Gauravi laughed out loud. "I can't believe it! I mean I would've believed you if you used money or something b-but you flirted y-your way in." She laughed slapping Soo Young on his back while he looked like he was about to commit a murder.

"Yah you mi-chin-nyeon-"

"Hyung!" Ha Joon stopped him before he could jump on Gauravi who was still busy laughing her ass off.

"Okay deal! I'll treat you to whatever you want!" Gauravi said. Soo Young stopped and looked at her with a cocky smirk on his face. "But first you gotta beat me at drinking game." His smirk dropped.

"What! That's unfair! How is that suppose to be-"

"Why? Are you sacred that you'll loose?" She smirked raising her eyebrow. Soo Young fumed, one could see red steam coming out of his nose. "It's a fair deal to be honest, you get free drinks and if you win that you get whatever you want." She said shrugging her shoulders. "That is if you win." She smirked.

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