Chapter 56

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Duchess' Pov

I was sat in my private chambers with Jane when a dainty little knock sounded upon my door.

"Hello Alice." I spoke casually as my sister in law walked through the door, her Louis Vuitton's sounded upon the cobbled stone and got quitter as she walked across the plush velvet rug. "Jane, will you give us a minute please?" 

"Yes sister." She said leaning down and giving me a peck on the cheek.

On the way out, as she passed Alice, Jane hesitated before she bent down and wrapped her arms around Alice. To say Alice was shocked was an understatement but she still hugged Jane back.

"I like you." Jane whispered before she vanished out of the room into the corridor.

"Your Highness, I am curious as to why you wanted to speak to me." The pixie vampire said.

"Well as they say curiosity kills the cat Alice. Before I do start though, Alice, this is not a formal conversation and as you are family, please, you don't have to call me Your Highness. The fact that I am the Queen of all Vampires doesn't mean our relationship has changed. And, relating to this meeting, you do not have to do anything I ask unless you are wanting to. I will not force you into anything like my Uncle's and Father have tried previously. Is that okay?" I ask from my rambling, a trait from my human life.

"Its totally fine and thank you Chess for allowing me to still be your family."

"Even if you didn't accept me, knowing the real me of course, you are Carlisle's daughter, you would have always been family. Anyway this brings us on to the reason why I wanted to speak with you. Carlisle is, somewhat, missing. I need to see if you can tell me his future as I have not mastered any of my powers yet. You see, we got into an argument on our honeymoon and I have not seen him since, well not in person. As it appears, one of my powers is an out of body, if you will, experience. From what I have seen, Carlisle is chain with silver chains in a room with only one door. There is a woman there, who I think he called May or something like that, but she had shoulder length brown hair and she was a little bit shorter than Rose."

"You may be on about Esme, she tricked Carlisle into thinking she was his mate before he found you. The first time j saw you in my visions, I told him and he sent her packing, waiting for his true mate. If you don't mind me asking though, what was the argument about?" She inquired.

" We had an argument because I wanted to be a vampire and he told me he wasn't going to turn me into a monster as well and I haven't seen him since." I replied.

"So, how are you a vampire?"

I had a feeling thus question was going to come up and I was scared that after I tell her, she will hate me.

"Marcus kidnapped me in a sense because he wanted to speak to me, you see I found out recently that he is my real father but I got angry and decided that I was sick and tired of people trying to tell me what to do, so I snuck into the throne room during feeding and here I am now." I finished.

"Oh dear God." Alice give a little gasp. "I will try to find Carlisle, but may I ask one more question? Is that why you didn't come to see us after the honeymoon?"

"Yes, I didn't want Jasper to feel how bad I was hurting, I didn't want Edward yo see what I was thinking about lowering Carlisle and I didn't want you to tell me that Carlisle didn't actually love me."

"You said was."

"What do you mean?" I was really confused.

"You said how bad I was hurting. Was. Past tense." She said visibly upset.

"What has that got to do with anything?"

"Well the mate bond should be pulling you in your chest, but if you don't feel it anymore it usually means that the bond has broke." She stated. "Do you feel any pain on the chest?"

"Not since last night."

"What happened last night?"

"I arranged for Dr Morgue, spoke to my Father and Uncles, ate my tea and then went to bed for a while." I answered honestly.

"You mean you went to sleep?" Now she was the one confused.

"Yeah. One of my powers is I still have human traits. Like I sleep, eat human food, cry, etcetera." I explain.

"When you say one...?"

"I can absorb powers from people. For instance yours."

"Oh right."


Duchess SwanWhere stories live. Discover now