Chapter 59

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Duchess' POV

After the call with Bella, I hurriedly told my uncles and father. They instantly agreed that we needed to go. So, we took the private jet and after an uneventful plane ride, we were landing in Forks. 

Once there, the Cullens and the pack were waiting for us.

As soon as my feet hit the soil of Forks, I was smothered in hugs. 

Surprisingly the first hug was of Sam Uley, the packs leader, my best friend when we were younger. Who was closely followed by Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Seth and Jacob.

I made my way over to my sister and stopped infront of her.

We looked each other dead in the eye, frozen until she threw herself at me. The momentum nearly throwing me down to the hard earth.

We stood there for what seemed like an eternity before we untangled ourselves.

I turned towards Edward.

"She is difficult to read isn't she?" I spoke to him, referring to Bella.

He just stood looking like a confused puppy.

"Right, so what's the plan?" I asked after a moment of silence, my answer directed to Alice.

"Well, Esme will be here tomorrow at noon in the clearing near the forest. That's were we get our father back." Alice said with a vengeful look. "So mom, what should we do?"

A few people were shocked with the word 'mom' and were curious to who she was referring to.

"Are the wolves helping us in the fight?" I answered with a question of my own.

"Yes." This came from Sam.

"Well then, I don't see why we are worrying. She will be dead and I will get MY husband back from the bitch." I said, my voice filled with the same vengeance that was in Alice's voice before. "We will split into three main groups. Seth, Jake, Leah, Bella and Edward will go in one group you cover the East. Rose, Emmett, Paul, Embry, Felix and Demetri you cover the West. Rose your in charge of keeping Emmett, Felix and Demetri at least adult like. Coming in from the South will be me, my dad, Uncle Aro, Uncle Caius, Sam, Jane, Alec, Alice and Jasper. The rest of the lower guard can scatter themselves around the field. One of our main focuses is making sure Bella doesn't join us before she is ready. Do I make myself clear?"

A few nods later we are good to go. And so we start training.

After everyone training in their own groups and then together, the time has finally come.

Duchess SwanWhere stories live. Discover now