Chapter 40

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When I awoke, my body felt like it was floating on water.
My mind encased by relaxation.
There was soft music playing in the background.
My eyes were still closed and when I opened them, I was met with a sight of shock.
I was in a bedroom that looked vaguely familiar.
And then it hit me.
I was in the Volturi Castle.
I tried to get up only to realise I had been changed to the bed post.
I screamed in frustration.
"Calm down little one." The voice belonged to him.
"Unchain me or God help me I will break the bed then stake you in the chest!" I yelled furiously at him.
The chains were rattling from my attempts to break free.
I ain't talking whilst tied to a bed like a dog. First you abandon me then do t tell me that your my father, that's the best bit by the way, and now you have me chained to a bed against my own free will and to u expect me to listen to you."
I heard foot steps come from the left hand side of me and Felix undoes the chain and I'm set free.
I swing off the bed and open the door for the exit.
I can hear Felix behind me, ready to tackle me to the ground when my 'father' tells him to let me go.
I storm down the corridor to the door at the end of it and flung it open.
I run down the spiralled staircase nearly falling twice due to the tears clouding my vision.
I felt like I knew the way out of the castle.
I ran past vampire and vampire, round corners and past big heavy doors that opened to reveal Aro and Cauis sat on their thrones staring at me with sad eyes as I run past the double doors.
I run past a receptionist and our of the door indront of her only to find out that a tourist group was coming through the door.
The tourist were humans only which meant one thing it was feeding time.
I snuck into the crowd and followed them up to throne room.
Aro and Cauis were still there but now the gloomy Marcus had joined them.
Aro began his little speech and when everyone had finished, a member of the Volturi pounced on everyone including me.
I pain wasn't as bad as everyone said it was.
The only thing running through my mind was 'I'm gonna die either way' and I relished in that thought.
The the fangs in my neck pulled out, everyone else was dead and Marcus stood before me ripping the head off the vampires shoulder.
I heard him shout one thing before the burning grew inside of my veins.
The words were:
"That's my daughter you fool!".

Duchess SwanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora