Chapter 6

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After school I'm heading home when Bella pulls the car over.

"Bells, what are you doing?" I ask when she starts to open her door.

"I thought I saw something the forest so I'm going to have a look." She replies.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you."


"No buts you lady now move it or lose it." I say, my voice thick.

We walk into the forest and take out our phones for the torch. 

Using the light, we scan the forest to see if anything was moving.

"There's nothing here. Maybe I imagined it." Bella's voice echoed around the forest.

"I wish that was right." I whispered. "Run!"

Bella and I start running back to the car.

We get in and Bella puts the key in the ignition but the car wouldn't start.

The thing from the forest is nearing the car and as the passenger side was the closest to it, it punched the glass and dragged me out of the car kicking and screaming.

"Bella!" I yell repeatedly, my voice becoming hoarse.

"Duchess, let her go!" Bella's voice full of fear.

"Tell dad what happened to me and Rosalie! The Cullen's will help look for me!"

"No!" She said, chasing after me into the gloomy depths of the forest.

"Go!" I yell.

She starts to run back to the car.

"I love you Bells." I scream.

A painful blow to my head is the last thing I remember because instead of fighting the darkness I let it bewitch me body and mind and slump backwards into my kidnappers arms.

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