Chapter 18

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True's Pov (True above(True is the third alter ego with half of Duchess and Chessica))

Everyone in the room looked at me with wide eyes.

"Hello everyone my name is True." My soft voice speaks.

"True..." Aro states.


"True why do you and Chessica exist?" Major asks.

"I was never meant to be. Duchess was the first person to inhabit three personality's in her body. Chessica was a lost soul when she found Duchess in the need of help. It would be too long to explain her life and all the details of it so I will just show you." 

I pushed out the shield that protects Duchess, Chessica and I to surround them.

"My shield has surrounded you. Now everyone, talk hold of the persons hand next to you and close your eyes." 

Once everyone has done that, I to close my eyes.

"Welcome to Duchess' life." I whisper and with that I begin.

'A little girl no older than six sat on a cold concrete floor of a basement. The place was dark, there was no window to let just a scrap of light in. The only things in the place were a matrass and a toilet. The only way the little girl could wash was when the people above turned on the hose pipe that came out of a hole in the concrete roof. The little girl could on have food when her capturers slid a tray of food through a hole in the wall, but even then the girl was to scare to eat it, but other times she would have to. She was always tired and always wore the same clothes. A grey top that was to baggy for her and leggings full of holes. She had no shoes or socks. Some days she would think she heard the voice of her twin sister Isabella, but she knew that that was not true. Her twin sister died. Or so her capturers say. The little girls name was Duchess Swan and she knew her capturers. They were her mother and step-father. Renee and Phil. The only time they came in the basement though was to hit and drag her about. Duchess  was so scared of them, she cried herself to sleep every night in fear that they might come in will she was asleep and harm her. Or worse. Kill her. One day the door opened and as Duchess crawled into the corner. At first Duchess thought she was there to hurt her but that changed when the voice spoke. "It's okay Duchess, I'm not here to hurt you." The voice was so angelic that Duchess though she had been killed and that she was now in heaven. That changed when she heard her mom, Renee, shout. "Bells? Bella where are you?" Footsteps were heard above and then her moms head enter Duchess' vision. "Bella how many times have I told you to stay away from here?" The door slammed and the light was gone and so was the girl. The next day though, luck seemed to be on her side. The door opened again and this time it was her mom. Duchess thought she was there to hurt her but instead, the mom dragged her out by the hair and took Duchess to a room with windows and light. A real bed and everything. "The toilets down the hall. Go get yourself cleaned up." Her mother told her. So Duchess obeyed. For awhile, Duchess was left alone. She was no longer hurt or abused. Instead she got treated and Bella became her new best friend. She was allowed to go to school and go out to the shops with new friends she made. For once she felt like she had a family. But that changed. Things became worse again and that's when Chessica found her. At first Duchess thought she was imaginary but that was not true. Renee and Phil found Chessica and Duchess playing one day and killed Chessica. Chessica's soul then merged with Duchess. Making Duchess much stronger. Duchess lived at her mothers and step-fathers house until she was seventeen. When she ran away to Forks. Duchess met this beautiful young lady called Rosalie who helped Duchess when she was bleeding out on the plane. Before Duchess ran away she was raped and later found out she was pregnant. Unfortunately so did Phil and Renee and burned her legs and used a knife to slice open Duchess' stomach to remove the baby that was in her womb. On the plane her stomach had re-opened and Rose took her to her house where Duchess secretly met her mate. Doctor Carlisle Cullen. She fell in love with him when she actually fell for him. After her first day at school with Bella, her twin sister saw something in the forest and got out of the car with Duchess and walked into the forest where Duchess was kidnapped. Duchess fainted in the forest and woke up in a coffin. She was about to die when the wood to the coffin was broke and she came face to face with her step-father and mother. She managed to escape and run until she fell from exhaustion. Before the darkness consumed her, someone picked her up. Carlisle Cullen had found her and was now carrying her in his arms and that's where Duchess professed her love for him.'

The next thing everyone saw was each others horrified faces.

"I'm still confused. Where did you come from?" Marcus asked.

"When Duchess was in coffin she and Chessica had merged to create me. It was me that told Carlisle the truth hence where I got my name from. Carlisle didn't notice it was me because he was scared for the safety of his mate. My name is True because I tell the truth even when other people don't want to hear it."

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