Chapter 31

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The next morning, I woke up in Carlisle's arms, his golden eyes already wide looking at me.

After looking into his eyes for awhile, i sigh and turnover, my back towards him.

"Whats wrong?" His voice was close to my ear.

"i've been thinking recently" I rolled back over to look into his eyes. " I want to be a vampire."

"No." His response was as hard as nails and it hurt deep inside me.

He stood up from the bed and started pacing.

I sat up.

"Why not? We are married now. It's my decision, i want to be changed."

"I will not allow you to live your life as a monster Duchess." He stated getting changed.

"Its not your choice Carlisle!" I yelled at him furiously. "Why is being a monster, as you so kindly put it, such a bad idea or choice when i get to spend the rest of my eternity with you holding me in your arms?" My voice died into a whisper.

"I said no Duchess and that is how it is gonna stay. You will stay a human so you can have a normal life." And with that, he was gone, leaving me with nothing but the door slamming.

A/N- Sorry it took so long for any update, just been struggling a lot at the moment.

Hope you enjoy the chapter 

Bye Lovelies,

Cece xx

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