Chapter 47

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Duchess Pov

"You absolute tool!" I raged as Edward, now known as Dickweed to me, went flying arcoos the room and into the wall.

The sound of his skin cracking reverberated around the room and the wall behind him crumbled to the ground.

"Your sister is dead Duchess!" He growled.

At this point my blood was boiling.

"No she is not Dickweed!"

From behind me I could hear Alec laughing to himself.

"Yes she is and if your not going to kill me, then I will make a scene of myself to the public." His voice, although quite was echoed around the room.

"How about we propose a place in the Guard, with someone of you power I think you would be a great asset." Uncle Aro suggested to which I did not oppose to.

As much I hated the guy, I knew my sister was still alive and would hate me more if he was to die.

"No my mate is dead and I want to die to!" Dickweed exclaimed, "And you know what it is like without a mate, don't you Duchess! I mean where is my father? Did he realize that you weren't right for him, regardless of the mate bond? Is he trying to break it by being away from you? Come on Duchess, how long have you not been near him? Can you still feel the pain of the pull? Or are you numb? I mean if you aren't in pain then who's to say that you need a new mate. Carlisle never loved you!"

I droplet of warm, salty water ran down the side of my face, in the crevice of my nose and over my bottom lip. My eyes were blurry with tears I thought I would never be able to cry and as the droplet dripped of my cheek and fell to the floor with a splash, my father, was pushing Edward into a wall and trying to hurt him, but the angry clouded my father judgement.

"Papa..." I whispered knowing he would hear it.

He stopped and looked down, his chest heaving from taking the breathes he does not need.

Marcus slowly walked away from Dickweed and made his way over to me.

Once my father had stopped next to me, I buried my face into his chest whilst the tears were rolling. I don't know how long I stood there for but once I had done, I knew what I was going to do with him. 

Standing up tall and straight I looked at Edward with no emotion, he started to tremble a bit and looked scared.

"Take him to the dungeon, he can be let out tomorrow evening."

And with that, I walked away whilst Jane followed me.

We could hear Edward as he struggled to break away from the rest of the Volturi but quite frankly, he didn't think that plan out.

No one messes with the Volturi Queen and gets away with it and same goes for my Volturi family. No one would even dare to think about hurting them because, well, I wont be held responsible for my actions.  

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