Chapter 36

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By the time Jane had finished fussing over me, it was 7pm and I really needed to talk to Aro.

"Aro" All eyes on me "I need to speak with you."

I stood up and everyone followed.

"Alone." I hinted for the others to stay where they are.

Aro nodded at me, his long raven hair falling down his face.

I could feel every eye in the room piercing into my back as I left the room, including Aro's.

We left the hotel, the cool breeze wrapping around my shoulders.

"Aro. Can i ask a favor of you?" I ask.

"I cannot promise I can fulfil the favor you wish upon me but go ahead my dear." His voice was calm and genuine and at that moment I wanted to break down and tel him everything that had happened.

"I want you to change me. Please." A stray tear fell.

"I cant do that Chess. Mio caro, I do not want to be held responsible for taking your soul away from you. I can not make you into a monster like me."

"Please Aro" I begged "If you dont forget, I half vampire already, I just, if i have to be a monster then go ahead and make me a monster. A soul-less monster. I mean whats the meaning of a soul anyway. I'm already a monster. 'm a monster in ways words can not describe. I cursed my sister with the same fate as me for even being born Aro. If I'm already a monster then why do I need the soul I have left. I know you think I have everything figured out, that I'm fine. That you all think what goes on in my head is happy. but it's not okay. I'm trying my best to try and make the best out of everything Aro, I really am. But my best isn't good enough. If you really want me to let you into to everything, everything i have hidden. All my secrets then all you need is ask."

His face is filled with shock.

"I really am trying my best Aro."

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