Chapter 10

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Before I fell to my death, a soft hand grabbed mine and pulled me back up to the cliff edge.

Standing up, I meet Rosalie's apologetic face.

"OMG, Duchess, are you alright? I didn't mean to scare you like that." She rambled.

"Whatever Rosalie. What do you want?" I ask.

"Wow, what's up with you?"

"What's up with me? What's up with me? What were you gonna do? Befriend me? Get me to trust you and then drink me dry Rosalie?" I shout.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, shocked at my behavior.

"What? Don't act like that Rosalie. I know about your little secret. Your a VAMPIRE Rosalie?"

"What are you on about?" Worry evident in her voice.

"Carlisle told me. I don't know how you thought you could keep this a secret. Lokk Rosalie, I like you, I really do, but how can I trust you not to drink me dry?"

Tears clouded my vision as I spoke the words I dreaded to even think about.

"Rose, you were my best friend but me tell what I should do? Tell me why should I trust you?" I pleaded.

"Because use Cullen's are what you would call a vegetarian family. That's why we have golden eyes. We feed of animals. Vampires with red eyes feed off of humans. What I want you to do, is trust me again. Be my friend and don't tell anyone our secret. Please." 

"I wasn't going to tell anyone Rose and I still want to be your friend but..."

"Hi I'm Rosalie Hale-Cullen and you are?" Rose said extending her hand.

"What are you doing Rose?" I questioned.

"Starting a new...?" She nervously laughed.

"Oh Rose..." I said, grabbing hold of her and pulling her into a hug. "We don't need to start a new."

"Come over to mine tonight?" She wondered.

"As long as you answer my questions. I've got tons." 


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