Chapter 7

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The light is blinding when I open my eyes and it's hard to breath.

The air smells stagnate and my lungs are burning with less oxygen.

I let my eyes wander around and finally realize where I am.

The walls were made of wood and the feel of mud underneath my back made my eyes widen.

I was in a coffin.

On the roof of the coffin, a note was stuck next to the torch attached on the wooden peak.

'Dear Duchess,

This will teach you from leaving us. Now you can't leave us again.'

The breath in my throat caught making me gasp for air.

Great, now I'm having a panic attack.

My vision starts to blur, darkness clouds the corner of my eyes.

Suddenly, the wooden roof of the coffin is broke and I'm being dragged out if my early grave.

Opening my eyes, hoping to see a friendly face, I nearly jump at the sight of Phil and Renee.

"Help!" I start to yell when I realize I'm still in Forks but suddenly, my voice is cut of by Phil's hand.

They start to walk and Phil trips, nearly dropping me.

I open my mouth and clamp my teeth on to Phil's hand.

I don't let go until I draw blood. He drops me on the floor and I ran.

I ran until my legs give way and the footsteps behind me disappear.

I start to walk, dehydration and hungriness catching up to me.

My eyes loose focus and I fall to the ground and I'm tempting to drift of and never awake.

But I don't because strong arms grip me again and just as I'm about to start fighting again, the bright topaz eyes that I love so much enter my vision.

"Carlisle..." I whisper before I sink into his chest and start to cry.

Carlisle's strong hand stroking my hair to calm me down.

"I love you Carlisle. Don't leave me ever..." I whisper before I let the sleepiness from the crying claim me as it's own. 

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