Chapter 41

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The fire had started in my veins and had travelled into my lungs, my breathing becoming restricted, next my brain and all rational thoughts drifted away and my mind worked through the emptiness of all reasoning. Finally, the venom made it's way to my heart and it felt as though someone was tearing my heart up piece by piece.
The pain was unbearable but better then I imagined. I didn't scream, I had lost all use of my voice.
The venom burned my eyes but the tears wouldn't fall.
I could hear screaming.
Marcus was the loudest.
He was breaking from the pain of possible losing me.
I forced my voice to work but it was coming out.
I wanted to see him.
No scratch that I needed to see him.
My eyes burst open and I was stunned at what I saw.
Little particles of dust floating around, my sense of smell stronger than before.
My heart didn't beat.
I turned my head and saw every e staring at me, I was still in the throne room.
The head of the vampire staring at me with glazed over eyes.
"Duchess..." Jane and Marcus echoed at the same time.

Duchess SwanWhere stories live. Discover now