Chapter 26

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After the wedding, Carlisle and I got into a limo and taken to the airport.
I kept asking where we were going but he wouldn't tell me.
We got on to a private jet and after 8 hours the plane landed.

"Before you get off, put this on." Carlisle said handing me the silk purple blindfold again.

Taking the blindfold off him, I lean in and give him a kiss.

"I love you Mr Cullen." I whisper in his ear.

"I love you too Mrs Cullen." 

His whole face lit up with the brightest smile ever.

I tied the blindfold around my face and let Carlisle carry me out of the plane.

After 30 minutes, Carlisle finally stopped.

"Are you ready, Mrs Cullen?" He asked, his voice so soft and light.

"Ready for anything when i have you by my side husband."

He kissed my cheeks as if his lips were as light as feathers.

When he finally put me down, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Three, two, one..." 

The blindfold dropped from my eyes and fell on to the marble floor.

Looking around i saw the most beautiful view ever.

The Eiffel Tower seemed to glow in the golden sunlight, making Paris look even more spectacular then it should.

"Thank you." I squealed as I twirled around and jumped into Carlisle's arms. "You really are the best."

"Your welcome." He responded. "Now, go get changed. There is an outfit on our bed waiting for you Mrs Cullen."

As I walked away he swatted my ass.

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