Chapter 60

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In front of me stood a massive army, in the middle, Esme and Carlisle. Side by side they stood, looking towards me and his arm was wrapped around her waist. My semi-beating heart broke a bit more.

The army started to walk forward as Esme's voice rang through the trees.

"Can't you see? He doesn't love you. You should just give up trying Duchess because you will never be enough for him."

I looked directly at Carlisle and I saw his eyes, pleading and caring.

"That's where you're wrong, last I checked, he left you for me. And I'm the one he put a rock on not you." I said, my head held high as I walked forward, looking directly at MY husband.

I felt power surging through my veins, a raspberry mist floated around me as I took steps toward them, the mist pushed a force towards them making them take a step back. The mist getting darker as my confidence started to surge further through my blooded veins. 

With each step I took, the army started to disperse. MY family following behind me and then it was time.

I threw the mist outward, towards Esme and grabbed her with it, forcing the breath she doesn't need out of her puny lungs.

"This is the last time you will EVER mess with MY family." And with that, I used my powers to set her alit. "Those who stood by Esme can either leave, die or join me., It's your choice, just know that I am someone you do not want to be making an enemy out of."

With my last words, I stopped and stood silently, letting vampires of all kinds make up their minds before fleeing out of the meadow.

Carlisle walked towards me as if cautious to approach or get near before I sprang into his arms and embraced him knowing that I would never let him go again.

A/N Sorry for the long wait and the shit ending but I have been having a really hard time at the moment and knew I couldn't keep you all waiting. I am planning on writing a better Carlisle Fanfiction but need to figure out the plot. In the meanwhile, I have already started on a Loki Fanfiction so feel free to look at it when it comes out.


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