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"Are you busy?" Cyan asked when he passed by my room.

Cyan is at home right now. It is probably his off from work today so he hangs around the house lately. I have been seeing him more often too. Good for him because he is actually super busy at the hospital. It's making me worry too just like Aunt Emerald. His job was just too demanding and a lot of work was needed to be tend to.

"Not really. Why?" I asked and turned my gaze at him.

I had nothing to do today. It was a weekend and I was just hanging around in my room. I chose to read a book out of nowhere just to pass some time.

"Did I interrupt your reading?" he asked and looked at me apologetically.

Why is he always so considerate and kind? It must be something he developed over the past few years as a doctor.

"No. It's fine, Cyan. Why did you ask if I was busy?" I queried because he doesn't even usually go here and ask that.

"I was hoping if you would like to step out for a bit? Just to get some fresh air?" he asked and I jolted upwards from my bed.

"Sure! Where are we going?" I asked because it is always a fun time whenever I go out with Cyan.

"Just dress something comfortable for now and meet me in my car. I'll see you later, Kendra." he said and suddenly left my room.

I did what I was told and quickly went down.  "Where are you taking me?" I asked when Cyan quickly told me to dress up and go to his car.

I had to quickly put on clothes. I wore a black long sleeved turtle neck and tucked it inside a denim pants. I put on a loafer and a brown trench coat to shield myself from the cold weather. It is starting to get chilly. 

"It's a secret." he mumbled and turned left to exit our neighborhood. He looked quite excited and I also want to feel excited.

"Can't you tell me where?" I asked again but Cyan shook his heads.

"It's a no, Kendra. If I tell you, then it won't be a secret anymore." he pointed out which made sense.

"That makes sense." I said and just enjoyed the ride.

Surprisingly, the car stopped already. I looked outside and saw a park. Why did he brought me here? And where is this park? I didn't know that we had a park in this neighborhood.

"Care to explain why we're here?" I asked and went down his car.

"I thought of bringing you here when I passed by last time. I thought you'll like it here." he answered and turned the car off.

I can't help but stare at him. He might have also felt my stare so he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and looked at the place.

"Did you bring me here to comfort me?" I asked and he gave me a small smile.

Cyan must have thought of bringing me here at the park to comfort me from the recent heartbreaks. I confided with Cyan about that matter. I never kept any secrets from him before. He's someone I feel comfortable around and someone I can tell all my secrets to.

"I don't know how to comfort people. I only know how to make them somehow forget the reason why they're sad."

"Do you think I'll forget it if I come here?" I playfully asked and we started roaming around the park.

"I hope. I was also contemplating on whether I should buy a dog." he cutely informed me while looking away.

"You're not always at home. Why do you want to buy a dog?" I asked and he smiled.

"So that we'd fit in, in this park." I couldn't help but be amused.

He thought of buying a dog just for us to fit in. That's just like what Cyan would do. Buy a dog so that we won't be an outcast in the dog park. The thought made me chuckle.

"There's no need for that Cyan. A dog park isn't just for people who have dogs. It's for people who loves dogs and it doesn't matter if you have a dog or not."

"I know. I just felt like buying one." he reasoned out and I couldn't help but smile. He was too cute and naive for a grown up man.

We had fun while roaming around the park. We met different kinds of dogs and the owners were pretty kind to let us walk their dogs for a bit around the park. The park was so extremely therapeutic for me. The dogs were so adorable to play with. It's a place where people won't get tired to visit.

"Where do you like to have lunch?" Cyan asked when lunch time came. We played with the dogs for too long and I didn't even noticed it was time to eat.

"Somewhere near. I'm famished from all that play time." I said and Cyan smiled before opening the car door for me and closing it after I got inside.

"I'll take you somewhere nice." he stated and started driving his car.

"And near." I added and he nodded before replying.  "And near."

We ate to some restaurant and Cyan brought me to Bow Bridge by sunset. The view was spectacular and the varying colors of the leaves on the trees made it more majestic. It was autumn and it's the best time to come here.

"Would you like to ride a boat?" Cyan asked and I looked at the boats underneath.

"Nope. I'm fine on dry land." I said and he chuckled with my response.

We decided to just stand there and look at the vibrant colors in front of our eyes. Cyan said that we'll wait until the sun already set and we'll go back home. Just what I was about to suggest to him.

"Can I say something stupefying that might be discomforting for you?" Cyan suddenly broke the silence between us.

"Will you not say it if I say no?" I asked and he innocently nodded. I laughed at his cute yet respectful decision but I told him to say it anyway. He drew a deep breath before saying that stupefying statement.

"I'm starting to fall for you, Kendra." he stated and his gaze remained on the view in front of us.

The rustling of the leaves on the trees serenaded the both of us. No one dared to look away and I myself wasn't up for looking away.

"I thought of keeping it a secret until you leave. But must I conceal this when I know that I can't handle the consequences of keeping it as a secret?"

I stared at Cyan's face. I can see the sincerity in his eyes while he was talking. He just confessed that he likes me. "We never kept secrets from each other, right? That's why I'm telling you this."

He shyly smiled before continuing what he was telling me.

"I'm not pressuring you to answer me right now. I just wanted you to know what I feel. I'll still be the same Cyan you know even if I confessed." he said as if it was easy. "How can I do that? You just confessed to me and it's not something I just can forget."

I pointed out because that was the truth. A confession, no matter who it was from, is still a confession. And I am a bad dealer when it comes to those. Often times, I would find myself being bothered by it even if I try ro shake it off. More importantly, this confession came from Cyan! It's Cyan! 

"It's a noise, Kendra. Consider it one so that you'll be able to forget it." he told me and looked in front.

Noise. He told me to consider anything unpleasant or untrue as a noise. He said I need to do that to be able to forget and not be affected of what others might say. I stared at him. He was he best guy someone can wish for. And he just said that he likes me.

"A noise. What will you do if I don't want to consider it as a noise?"

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