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My day started earlier than expected. Dad must have been mistaken and made the house helpers wake me up so early. I had two free hours because of that and the bags under my eyes are having a party. They were seriously giving me a hard time. I wonder how much concealer I would be using for my makeup with these eye bags? Thinking of it gives me headache already.

When I went down, my parents were already out of sight and had went to work already. Why were they so early? It was still so early than their usual working time. I don't want to sound so strict or creepy but I memorized my parents' schedule already.

I ignored my queries and shared the table with my brother for breakfast. This was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. Eating breakfast with just my brother is torture. It would be okay if he would just act normal and eat his food quietly, but no. He just really had to be this disgusting over breakfast.

"If you throw a cat out the car window, does it become kitty litter?"

I face palmed and looked at the house helpers who were around. It was so embarassing for them to hear my brother's pun early this morning. This is the reason why I never chose to eat with my brother alone. He's too much for me to handle!

"Eat breakfast, Kendrick. Just eat." I said through gritted teeth but my warning was unheard.

"Two silk worms had a race. And do you know what happened?" Kendrick looked at me expectantly.

Does he want me to still ask? I have heard this from him a thousand times. It's like the first ever pun my brother learned and he never even pass a day without mentioning it. This is so horrible.

"What?" Despite being embarrassed, I still did my part. Answering him will make me feel less ashamed.

At least there will be two of us to share the embarassment. But I doubt that Kendrick will feel that too. He's shameless to start with. He basically doesn't have a shy bone in him. He's totally a thick faced moron who doesn't know the word embarrassment.

"They ended up in a tie!" he exclaimed and laughed as if he just said the best pun out there.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him in distaste. I can't believe he's my brother. Maybe I was a bad person in my past life to make God reincarnate me as a sister of this guy. To be honest, there are pros with being Kendrick's sister but the cons just makes those pros useless.

"I'm full, enjoy your breakfast alone." I said and stood up to leave Kendrick

Gosh. I shouldn't have seated there in the first place knowing that Kendrick was also going to eat breakfast. How I wish he leaves sooner. Without much choice, I went to my room to go get some shower. I'll just eat breakfast on my way to the company. I'd rather eat in my car than eat here. It'll be a horrifying moment if I ever stay for longer. I wonder what the menu in the cafe I frequent at is.

Time moved in an utterly fast pace that I did not notice a week passing by. My routine was the same as before. Go to the company and head home right after. With my busy schedule, I was thankful that my mind kind of forgot about Zachary. Well I did not forget him entirely, my mind just kind of got used to not thinking about him when I'm at work. I mastered that in a short span of time. Which makes me a little proud.

"So is Luke already going home?" I asked Courtney while she was visiting me at my office.

She said that she did not have anything good to do so she'll just hang out here. It didn't matter anyway. She is always welcome in my office whenever she wants to. I can't turn her down. She is just too precious.

"Yeah, he called and told me to deliver his message about the celebration party. It'll be at their house." Courtney answered.

"That's great. Will it be a big party?" I asked, concerned that it might be a luxurious and formal party.

I personally hate those kind of parties. You can't even have fun. But ironically, I have been attending those kinds of party for the whole duration of my life. I don't know if it just sucks or if I am cursed. That's just how my life went.

"Nah. He said that it'll be just us four. Just a simple dinner at their humble home. But I doubt that it'll be a simple one." Courtney commented.

"I agree. I remembered our last simple dinner at their house." I uttered, emphasizing the word simple.

It was a party for Luke's successful launch. The Tan's informed us that it would just be a simple party between close friends. It was really just a party with close friends but I guess the Tan's forgot about the word 'simple'. The party was so grand and had a lot of foods which we couldn't even finish at the end. I remember how exhausted and haggard Courtney was at that party. Couldn't blame her for being like that. Luke's Mom pushed Courtney to eat more and more. Courtney became so puffy the next morning that she had to postpone all her plans that day.

"It felt like I was going to be hanged the next day because of that simple dinner. When Luke told me that it'll be at their house, I suddenly hesitated. The Tan's residence became a horror for me, you know." Courtney let her rants go and I smiled at her.

"Well it won't be the Tan's if it isn't grand. Uncle Leonel and Aunt Mary just love grand things."

"I'm not against them liking grand things. It's just that I want them to incorporate simple dinner into reality. Is it that hard?" she argued and I shook my head to her direction.

"If you really want a simple dinner, tell Luke. Nothing good will come out with you telling me your rants. I'm not one of the Tan's." I pointed out and Courtney rolled her eyes.

"It's embarassing to rant about it. I might offend her parents too if I voiced out my dislike."

"Still, informing Luke would be the best choice don't you think?"

"Let's end this matter here. I have to go gome now, Kendra. Cassidy got back from a medical mission and we have a family dinner. See you at the party on Friday." she said and bid goodbye

On the other hand, I fixed my things and also went on my way. It's already nearing eight and I'm famished. I bid goodbye to Red and told her to go home too after she finished her work. The guard greeted me a good night and I drove the car until our house.

As usual, the chauffeur welcomed me and got my car remote. I also did not bother to wash up because I was super hungry. I sat on the dining table and Kendrick joined me after a few seconds. He sat across me and he looked happy. He must have had fun today to have that smile on his face.

I had started eating when I noticed the empty seats again. Is Mom and Dad already asleep?

"Aren't they gonna join us for dinner?" I asked and Kendrick looked at me confused.

He was raising his eyebrows at me and I coughed once before clearly asking him.

"Mom and Dad. Aren't they going to eat dinner with us?" I repeated because he didn't heard what I said the first time.

"How can they eat dinner with us when they're not even at home?"

"They're still not going home? They have been out for a week now, Kendrick. Aren't you worried?"

"They're grown ups, Kendra. They can handle themselves. Besides, I heard they're fine so I'm not worried." he said and continued eating while I looked at him in disbelief.

How can he be so heartless? It's our parents we're talking about.

I'm even more worried now. Mom and Dad had not gone home for a week now and I feel so anxious. My anxiety is rising and Kendrick's disinterest is not helping at all. Where on earth are they doing to be missing for one week and not informing their children?

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