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"Are you really going to push that?" Kendra asked while I was having a debate with her.

"Yes, I am. Give up Kendra. I'm telling you, I'm right."

We were inside the penthouse today. It was a rainy day and going out isn't on our options so we were stuck here arguing which came first, a chicken or an egg. Kendra defended that the chicken came first but I solely believe that an egg comes first.

"Listen here you uncultured young man. A chicken comes first for it was stated in the Bible that Jesus Christ created animals." she said with confidence and I slammed my book that made her shoulders jerked up.

"Kendra, that's cheating." I pointed out and she seemed so confused with my remark.

"What cheat are you saying? I did not search the web for your information."

"Did you know that using the Bible as a counterattack on a debate is cheating? That'll be horrible for anyone to disagree upon so it's a common knowledge to not mention anything from the Bible on debates."

"Is that your way of sugarcoating the fact that you lose?"

"Look, Kendra. I did not lose, I just told you an important information about debates."

"So you're challenging me again. Is that what you mean?" her overconfident self is now here again.

"No, of course not. Let's end this nonsense here, Kendra. I'm getting quite worn out with all this ruckus. Should we order something to eat?"

"I can clearly notice how you're changing the topic but I'll not make it a big deal anymore. Order pizza, I'm craving for it." Kendra ordered and left the living room

A winning grin crept onto my lips after that and I ordered the food she wanted. I resumed reading the book I saw here in her penthouse. It was an interesting book in my perspective. Never knew that books can also be interesting for me.

"Hey Zachary! The receptionist called to inform that our order has arrived in the lobby. Fetch it." Kendra shouted from her bedroom and I stood up annoyed.

Ever since I obeyed her, she kept on ordering me around. She must have thought that it was okay for her to boss me when in fact it was not okay. But as a gentleman myself, I'll prolong my patience for a woman like her.

After putting on a cardigan, I went out to fetch the food we ordered. I was hungry for pizza too so I did not fought with Kendra when she told me to get it. I reached the lobby in a jiffy and I did not waste any time to get the pizza.

The delivery boy said thank you before disappearing in my sight. I also went on my way to feed the dragon resting on the penthouse. I know Kendra will be enraged if she ever heard what I just said. But she can really be compared to a dragon.

"So nice of you for getting my pizza."

"Your pizza? No, Kendra. That's our pizza." I said and settled on the chair before getting a slice of the pizza on the table.

"I thought you weren't hungry?" she said and I chuckled at her direction. "Says who? And here I thought you were on a diet."

"You already ruined my diet so might as well disregard my original plan. Don't you think so?" she stated and got herself a slice of pizza.

I couldn't help but to grimace at her. She was eating the pizza in a very clumsy way. The sides of her mouth were now full of cheese. I leaned forward and carefully wipe the cheese away.

"You require a lot of care, don't you?" I said and threw the tissue I used to the trash bin nearby.

When my gaze landed on Kendra, it was as if I was looking at a paused scene from a television. Her left hand holding the pizza was stuck midway to her mouth and she wasn't blinking at all. I panicked and stood up to look at her.

"Hey, are you okay? Why aren't you moving?" I said and was about to hold her arms when she blinked and slapped my hands away.

"Don't touch me." she mumbled and I went back to my sit because of what she said.

"Where are you going? You haven't even finished one slice of pizza!" I shouted at Kendra when she walked upstairs and left me in the dining room.

She's so unpredictable. I wonder what's going on her mind right now. One moment she's laughing so hard and the next thing you'll know, she's wearing an expression as if someone had died.
I didn't plan on intruding her personal space anymore but I couldn't help but to do it. Her father had been calling nonstop and the noise of Kendra's phone irritated me.

"Kendra? Your father's calling from the phone. Why don't you go out and answer it?" I said after knocking three times on her door. It was locked so I had no choice but to inform her here outside her room.

Kendra seemed to be deaf and had no intention of fulfilling my small request so I had to do it on my own. I went down the staircase and answered the phone when her father called again.

"Hello, Mr. Rivera." I politely answered and I couldn't help but get nervous  Mr. Rivera and my father are friends but I never really knew the man.

"Is that you, Zachary?" I was rather perplexed when he knew my name but I managed to confirm my identity to him. "Yes, Mr. Rivera. I'm Zachary Montemayor." 

"Good to know that you're still there. May I talk with Kendra?"

"I'm sorry to say but Kendra seems to be sleeping, Sir. Her room is locked and she's not answering even when I knocked."

"Okay, leave her be. I'll just call next time. Have a good day, Zachary " he said and abruptly ended the call. I didn't even got to say goodbye but I understand that Mr. Rivera is a busy man.

I haven't got much to do so I thought of deciding what I should cook for our dinner. I bet Kendra won't ever cook and I also won't let her do it. I don't want this luxurious penthouse be burned down by her. It's my way of helping Kendra preserve this haven.

With everything decided, I shall go to the supermarket and purchase the ingredients needed for the dinner I just thought of. I just wish my night would be peaceful.

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