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I got a call from Luke early in the morning. I almost cursed out loud because of rage. This uncultured jerk really has to call me so early despite knowing that I got home at 5AM. I clearly remember being on the phone with him before I fell asleep. How rude of him to really disturbed my sleep when I didn't even got enough rest. 

"What?" I answered and turned on the lights inside my room. It was still super early.

"Get up airhead. You are needed here in your company." he said and my eyebrows met. What is this idiot blabbering about in the morning?

"Stop talking in spaces and explain it to me clearly." I ordered and got up from my bed to wash my face. I pushed the speaker icon and put my phone on top of the sink.

"Your company is currently hiring a secretary. We need you here to dissect the applicants and choose the best secretary for yourself." he informed.

I stopped from washing my face and blink before realization dawned on me. "What the hell? You leech, who told you to hire a secretary?!"

I was furious with what I just heard. Luke being nosy isn't really helping with my tiredness at all. When I am tired, I get easily irritated. And he isn't being a good friend right now.

"Come on, just head here already brother. I'll be expecting you, love ya bro." he said and ended the call briskly.

I gritted my teeth in anger. My sleepiness suddenly disappeared and I just want to wrangle Luke's neck right now. That dude must be waiting for his death day. I'm going to make sure that he'll be able to lay on a coffin right now. I will even sponsor him the coffin as a good friend. 

I quickly took a bath and did not wait for the chauffeur. I drove the car and arrived at the company swiftly. Luke should make sure that he'll be able to withstand my wrath. If not, then poor him. It'll be his last day on earth. He should be praying to the heavens right now. I'll surely kill him in an instant.

"Good morning, Sir." the employees who just got out of the elevator greeted.

I don't usually answer back so I chose to ignore them and continue my search for a certain Luke Morielli Tan. That leech must not appear in my eyes or else I'll consider being a criminal right now. I don't care going to prison. It's the least I could do after killing a friend, right?

"Zachary good thing you're here." my fury suddenly went into a halt when I heard a sweet voice.

I arrived at my office and there I saw my Mom sitting on the couch. Luke was sitting across her and was giving me that annoying smirk. Now I know where Luke got that flabbergasting confidence. He was so uncannily assured that I won't kill him today because Mom was also here. He really knows how to strap a chain on my neck and control my actions. It is somehow great to know that he knows a lot about me. However it isn't that applaudable at this moment.

"What are you doing here, Mom?" I asked calmly and I saw in my peripheral view how Luke grinned menacingly.

"I just thought of swinging by your office, Zach. How's my dear son doing?" she asked and my anger melted away.

Why did Mom had to be here? Not that I don't want to see her here but with her presence, I can't reprimand that leech with his actions. She just makes me so calm and composed. I can't act imprudently in front of Mom. I don't want to disappoint her.

"I'm fine, Mom. Are you just visiting quickly or not?" I asked in the nicest way I can. I don't want to offend Mom by driving her away.

"I'm just visiting quickly, son. Now that I see you in great shape, I'll be on my way." Mom said and I smiled at her.

"Should I escort you until the parking lot or not?" I offered but I was hoping Mom to decline.

"Don't worry, son. I'll be okay by myself. Stay here and entertain your friend." she said and made an exit.

"Okay, Mom. Be careful on your way back." I said and she smiled sweetly.

"I will, sweetie. I'll see you some other time around, Luke. It was nice seeing you." Mom told Luke and I rolled my eyes in secret.

"It was my pleasure, Auntie. Be careful on your way home." Luke reiterated with his sweet pretentious voice.

I averted my attention to Luke who was looking at me. He looked calm and seemed to be not scared at all.

"You should thank Mom for making my anger subside. I'll get back to you when I feel like it." I said and sat on my swivel chair to start work.

Now that I'm already here, might as well do my work for today than slack off. Luke won't care anyway if I don't talk to him. He'll manage by himself. Besides, I didn't even invite him over to my office. I never wanted his presence in the first place so he is not my responsibility right now.

"I was only being helpful. A secretary is something you really need. You are disorganized and I'm worried that you might not survive alone."

"I don't need someone to survive. I can survive on my own." I defended fiercely. Who needs someone when you can do it by just yourself?

"No man is an island, dude. For real?" he uttered a famous saying.

"For real." I solidly answered and Luke snorted.


"You should not look for a secretary anymore, dude. It's a hopeless case, ya know." I said and flipped over the page I was reading.

"I heard you, brother. But getting one isn't bad at all." Luke counter answered.

"You know the trouble I have to get through every secretary that I had. Just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm going bonkers." I pointed out because he knew all my rants about my previous secretaries.

"Still, the application's on going so you won't have a choice. But if you really dislike the new secretary then I won't stop you from firing her again."

I nodded in agreement and smiled. Luke knows when to force what he wants and when to give up. This dude knows the right way. That's why no matter how annoying he is, we still remain as friends.

"Well, I'll be expecting your secretary tomorrow. Mom texted that Lia is at home. I'll be off, dude." he said and I did the courtesy of sending him off in a polite way.

I just wish that the newly hired secretary will be what I wanted. The cycle of hiring and firing is tiring me up and I just want to finally have a secretary that I like.

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