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I said goodbye to my friends to go home and face my Dad. I was agitated and staying at the celebration party will only make me uncomfortable. Complying to what Dad wants will soothe my anxiousness too.

"Be careful on your way, Kendra. Call us if anything happens okay?" Luke reminded me before I left.

"Yes, Luke. I'll promise to call if something bad happens." I assured and they finally let me go.

Good thing that I did not had a single sip of beer because that's against the law. If I had even one drop of beer I'll consider it that I'm under influence of alcohol. Getting a record is not on my bucket list so it's a relief.

I decelerated the car fiercely on the mansion's front yard. I did not care whether I parked in the wrong place. I just had to quickly enter the household and talk with Dad. Whatever this is about, it is making me feel anxious. I must talk to him now rather than keeping this anxiousness in me.

The house helper was about to announce my presence but I stopped her. I told her that I'll be in my Dad's study room right away and that she doesn't need to announce my arrival.

"I'll be there right away." I repeated and basically stomped heavily on the stairs.

When I finally got to the study room. I opened the door and saw that Mom amd Dad were wearing a serious expression while facing each other.

"I'm here, Mom and Dad." I announced and Dad quickly stood up

"What took you so long?" he asked and I raised my head to see them. "I'm sorry. Why did you ask for my presence?"

I got no choice but to ask in a straightforward way. I find it jittering to stand here longer. It's a torture for my curious my mind. Whatever this is about, I'm sure that it wasn't about something good. My instincts are telling me that something ominous is approaching my way.

"Kendra, you understand me and my decisions right?" that sudden question made me crease my eyebrows. What's with the sudden question?

"Of course, Dad." I answered nonetheless.

I may feel unsure about this talk with them but that doesn't change my trust to my Dad and his decisions. I will always say yes to that question. He's my father to start with.

"Then will you be able to understand me if I opted to make you be no longer alone and have a bright future with somebody right?" he said and I felt my whole world crash upon me.

He just said what I understood, right?

"What do you mean you'll make me be no longer alone? Am I hearing this right or are you just saying this in an unclear way, Dad?"

Honestly, I got the meaning behind those well constructed words right away. My mind tells me that I am indeed deciphering it right but I refuse to believe it. My Dad is not like that. He swore to me before that he'll never make me do that just for him.

"Kendra, darling..." The helplessness in his voice shattered my whole existence. Is this what I think it is?

Tears suddenly fell nonstop from my eyes and I looked at Dad. Is this really true? If this is a dream then I'd like someone to wake me up right away. This is a nightmare he promised he would never do to me. He promised me to block off any nightmares so that I can just have wonderful dreams. He promised that, yet he did this?

"Why?" with a croaked voice, I managed to ask him.

"Dad's in great debt and they didn't want anything except this. Kendra please help me just this once. Dad is pleading you." he said and I couldn't contain myself anymore when he got on his knees to beg me.

"But you swore. You swore in grandma's deathbed that you will never make me experience the hardship grandma had to face because of this matter!" my voice raised and I saw how Dad cried in front of me while begging.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, darling." he mumbled and I couldn't help but to be annoyed. 

I dashed out of his study room and locked myself in my room. After I heard their footsteps fading, I bursted.

My tears felt like they weren't going to stop so I stood up and started packing my things. If Dad's debt wasn't payable with money, then the probability of him forcing me to do what he wants is so high.

I can't risk it. I won't risk it.

After I packed my things, I made sure that the house was already in silence. Once everyone falls asleep, I'll be able to run away successfully. Good thing that I know the mansion's ups and downs, I got my way out easy as pie.

I stared at the gates of our house. Shall I go through the gate or just go over the high fences? I'm not athletic but climbing the high walls of the residence I grew up on won't be a problem.

I chose not to go through the front gates because I remembered that it was fully equiped with CCTV and I would be caught right away. If they don't notice my disappearance this night, that'll be great.

With that, I will be able to go far away. Far away that they'll have a hard time finding me. But shouldn't I just stay nearby? I doubt that they'll look for me here in New York. They'll be asuming that I went somewhere far away like grandma's province or something.

The word nearby rang a bell to me. I know someone who lives nearby and will be willing to welcome me in. They will be the last one to betray me if I ever got nothing else.

I quickly run and fastened my pace to the address I had known. When I reached it, I almost collapsed. Before I even stagger because of tiredness, I rang the doorbell once.

Huffing and puffing, I tried to get some air. All that running made me so tired that I want to sleep.

"What can I do for you?" a woman suddenly appeared and my shoulders jerked upwards before I contained myself.

"Aunt Emerald, it's me, Kendra." I introduced myself and the woman in front of me looked surprise.

"Kendra! Oh good heavens, what are you doing here at this late hour?" she asked and I smiled awkwardly.

"Can I stay at your place for tonight? I can't go home right now."

"Sure! Let's get inside before you catch a cold. Why are you sweating all over? Wait here and I'll ready a bath for you." Aunt Emerald said and I nodded.

It's a relief that I at least knew one family in this neighborhood. At this rate, they won't even suspect that I was here and won't be able to deduce that I will even go here. That's good to hear for me. I shouldn't worry right now when I already got myself somewhere to sleep.

Let's just wish that I won't be able to get caught tomorrow. I don't feel like going back anymore.

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