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"Mom, I would like to move my flight. I'll be meeting a very important client  and I can't fly now to California. Please?" I carefully asked while she was in her study reading some books.

It's a common knowledge in our family that if you want to ask for something quite big from Mom, you should ask when she's reading books. She's extremely calm and collected when she's with her dear books.

So naturally, right now is the best time to ask her for something. She's buried in books again which is a sign that she will be in a good mood.

"Sure, honey. Who is this client that you had to postpone your flight to California?" she queried without even removing her stare on the book she was reading.

"It's Harry. He's coming over to meet me." Mom instantly rose her head and looked at me mischievously. She had that menacing grin that brought shivers to my spine.

Harry Scott. A young business man who is just the same age as I was. Mom played matchmaker before and partnered me up with Harry. She planned on getting us together but Harry and I are just friends. Nothing more nothing less.

"Stop it Mom. You're scaring me." I pointed out and she removed that grin before laughing at me nonchalantly.

"Don't be. I won't do anything against your will this time, darling."  that remark made me raise my eyebrow towards her. I'm getting chills by just talking to her about Harry.

I don't actually believe that she won't be doing something when Harry is here. You see, when Mom sets her attention to something, she doesn't stop pursuing it. So I'm honestly doubting her words right now which I know is disrespectful but how can I not?

Mom's great at acting and deceiving others.

"What's with that look, darling? I promise that I won't do anything. Trust me." she said with finality before focusing again on her book.

I blinked for a few times while weighing my decisions. Should I trust her or not?

"I'll be on my way, then. Have a good day, Mom." Surrendering myself and trusting God is the only way for me to believe Mom. I'm sure she won't do anything, right?

I decided to head to my room to fix myself. It was Saturday and I was left here in the mansion with a busy Mom and the house helpers. Dad obviously went to his company and my brother is probably with his friends.

If I don't do anything, I feel like I'd be dead already because of boredom. Good thing Courtney called. "Hey, what made you call?"

"Luke called me a few moments ago. He invited us for lunch in the Statics Square. He said Cass is present and he'd like to hangout with us while we're complete."

"Is Cass really there? I hope Luke is not bluffing." I said and quickly chose my outfit for today.

Cass is one of my closest friends. We barely see her these days because of her super busy schedule. We can't even see a strand of her hair nowadays.

"Yeah, Cass has been missing in action for the past months. I always see her though, on television." Courtney joked snd I giggled before ending the conversation. "Okay then, shall I pass by your residence or you'll be going there with your chauffeur?"

"Please do pass by. I hate going on places with our chauffeurs. They're boring and they don't get my jokes."

"Okay. Expect me after twenty minutes. Bye." I pushed the end call icon and threw my phone on the bed. I changed into the clothes I chose and applied a few makeup before going out. I told the maid to tell Mom that I'll be out for lunch with friends.

I drove my car to Courtney's house before heading to the Statics Square. Courtney was always with me because her parents are very strict that even when she was old enough to drive a car, they still don't permit her. She's just too cared for by her parents and they didn't want anything to happen to their dear daughter.

"Where are they?" I asked as we stepped inside Statics Square.

"The food court. On the same spot" she said and we raced to the place she said.

There we saw Luke and Cass. Luke was a friend of mine ever since I was a child. Our family were close and that led us to being friends. He's annoying sometimes but he's the best guy friend I could ever have. My other friend is Cassandra who is a supermodel. We met her because of Luke. Apparently, they were friends in college and we just naturally became close.

"Finally!" Cass shouted and waved at us. She gave me and Courtney a huge hug before we settled on our sits.

"It's nice seeing you in flesh, Ms. Gonzales." I strike an opening of our conversation and Cassandra smiled.

"Yeah, I'm thankful that I got a whole month of vacation. Fashion runways are now tiring me. I'm not enjoying them anymore." she said and sighed.

"I told you to just build your own business. I thought you wanted to be a CEO of a modelling company?" Courtney mumbled while munching on the cookies they ordered.

"It's easy to say but hard to do. I think I'll just stick with modelling and my makeup line. It's much more doable, you know." Cassandra reiterated as we settle on the couch.

"Right. You're also used to managing yourself on that part so I guess you should really just stick to what you are already doing." I joined the conversation and they nodded.

"I'm green with envy here, guys. How I wish I can do everything I wanted to." Courtney chirped and I looked at her sadly.

"That time will surely come, Courtney. I can sense it." I tried to cheer her up and brighten her day by that statement. It successfully did cheer her up.

"I'm even praying every night that you'll be able to drive a car before my wedding, Courtney. I just hope you really do." Luke added and chugged one glass of soda.

"Now, now. Let's not talk about upsetting things while we're here. Let's have fun while Cassandra's here with us. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity you know." I said and raise my glass of juice

We said cheers in unison and had a fun afternoon after that lunch.

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