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My eyebrows creased when Cyan offered me a ride again. Is he sick or something? Why is he being nice again?

I'm not being dramatic or something but Cyan doing this is a little bothering. I mean, Cyan is a gentleman and all but I never even imagined to get constant free ride from him. It's not making me uncomfortable, this is just a little unexpected from him.

"Stop giving me a stare. You're making me uncomfortable." Cyan stated as I pierced through his body with a hard stare.

"I'm giving you a hard stare to make you get back to your old self." I replied and continued what I was doing.

"What are you bickering about, early in the morning?" he asked as if I was losing a screw in my head.

"You're being nice again. Is it the end of the world?" I saw how Cyan rolled his eyes and continued driving.

"I'm just giving you back the kindness you gave me. Thanks for the lunch last last day. I enjoyed it perhaps." he shyly stated and I couldn't help but smile.

It was the first time Cyan thanked me. He's that stubborn type of guy and I didn't even yearn to hear a thank you from him. Nonetheless, he said thank you to me and it brightened up my mood. That was a good start for the day. 

"It's delicious right? I think we should eat there with Auntie and the others. I'm craving to try the food there too." I said and Cyan looked at me. I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he averted his gaze.

How cute. He's really the type of guy that is so innocent about other things except studying. I bet he never got to experience life because he dedicated himself to studying. I can imagine the student Cyan burying his face on loads of book and totally be engrossed in reading several alienated textbooks. He seems to be the type of person who loves studying. The total opposite of me.

I mean, it's not like I hate studying. It's just not my forte, I guess? Back in college, I did study in a regular basis. But not to the point that I'll be called a nerd or something. Just enough to pass my majors and finally graduate. School and Kendra aren't really the best of friends.

"I'll treat you there when I have time." Cyan said and I shrieked happily. Yes! I'm going to have a free meal from him.

"Alright! I'm looking forward to that." I replied and shot him an imaginary bullet as a gesture of happiness.

After so many ages, I saw that one bright smile from Cyan again. It's so long since the last time I saw him smile. It's a relief to know that he still has that nourishing smile that warms the heart of anyone who sees it.

"You should smile always, Cyan. It suits you better." I commented and got down from his car. I bid goodbye to him and went to work.

Before entering the company, I made sure that I already have the coffee prepared for Zachary. He might throw a tantrum if he doesn't have his coffee today. It's been two days after I served him his usual morning coffee so he is scheduled to drink one today.

Every other two days.

"Good morning, Violet." a voice suddenly greeted after I safely put the cup of coffee on top of his table.

"Good morning, Sir. You're here early." I pointed out and Zachary smiled.

"Yeah, didn't got much sleep so I decided to head here right away. Is my coffee ready?" he asked and I nodded.

"It's on top of your table, Sir."

"Appointments, Violet?" he asked after he settled on his swivel chair.

"You have a lunch meeting with Mr. Kendrick Rivera at twelve o'clock. The factory manager had also set an appointment at two in the afternoon and you have a Board Meeting at six o'clock. Would you like to have some changes?"

I asked because sometimes, Zachary makes me cancel some of his appointments. It's a natural thing to do when an emergency comes up.

"Please do inform Kendrick that I'd like to move the meeting at eleven. That's all, Violet." he said and I excused myself.

This was one thing I hated about being his secretary. That one thing is when I have to call someone to inform them about the changes with their appointments. Add the fact that I had to call my brother for today. I was fine calling random business men but we are talking about Kendrick. Kendrick my brother.

"Is this Mr. Kendrick Rivera? This is Violet Carter from M. Steels." I tried hard to modify my voice in a way that Kendrick won't ever recognize that it's me.

We have been with each other ever since I was born and I know he can easily recognize my voice. Modifying it is the only way for me to escape this hell.

"This is Mr. Kendrick Rivera speaking. Why did you call?" I felt a pang when I heard his voice after a long time.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from asking if he was okay. His voice sounded tired and drenched with energy. It was making me worried but I had to act as if I don't know him at all.

"Mr. Montemayor wanted me to inform you that he had your appointment be scheduled earlier at eleven o'clock. Would that be okay, Mr. Rivera?"

I heard an exasperated sigh from the other line. This is pure torture. It's worse than going through a breakup.
"Okay. Tell him that I agreed." he said after awhile. "Okay, Mr. Rivera. I'll inform him. Have a good day."

I was about to end the call when I heard a faint. "You too."

"Pull yourself Kendra. You brought this upon yourself." I reminded myself and went to inform Zachary that Kendrick agreed.

"That's good." Zachary commented when I delivered the news to him. I saw that he already finished the coffee.

"Then I'll excuse myself, Sir." I ssid and bowed. I was about to take a step when Zachary called my attention.

"Can you please give these reports back to their designated departments?" he asked and handed me a big load of papers.

It was so many that I was about to say no. Good thing I remembered that I was Violet Carter and not Kendra Rivera.

"Will do, Sir." I replied and walked out of his office to do the task I was asked to do.

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