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I fixed my blazer and headed to the cafeteria to eat lunch. Hera and the others were already waiting for me there.

"Sir Zachary was in a bad mood yesterday." Lucy said while we were eating our lunch.

"Our department is also talking about that. I heard your Chief was shouted at yesterday." Hera stated and I quietly eat, not wanting to be included in the conversation.

Well, for starters, the topic they were talking about is something I am avoiding for today. I don't even want to discuss anything about yesterday. I acted like a little bit of a rebel and it's making me red from embarrassment even when I just think about it. 

"Our Chief went from a good to a bad mood all of a sudden. We were also shouted at by our chief yesterday." Freya complained.

"Poor Freya. Being in the marketing team is already hard yet you had been shouted at?" Hera consoled her and I just continued eating.

They can go on their conversation as long as they don't pull me in it. Not really fond with their topic now.

"Hey Violet, did you noticed something weird that might have made the boss be in a bad mood?" suddenly, Fred called me.

I cursed in my mind and looked at them. "Pardon me?"

"You weren't listening!" Lucy pointed out and I felt sorry.

Okay, I admit. I'm a little bit out of it today. And I'm suddenly guilty for not consoling my friend which became a victim of my little rebellion last day. I pity Freya for being at the receiving end but it already happened. I'm sorry if I'm sounding a bit rude here. But the truth is the truth. 

"My bad. I'm just thinking about something. You were saying?" I reasoned out to not get interrogated any further.

"Fred asked if you have any knowledge onto why Sir Zachary was in a bad mood yesterday."

I stared at the four of them in front of me. Of course I know why he was in a bad mood. I might be the very reason why Freya's chief was shouted at.

"Maybe he was upset about the board meeting." I mumbled mindlessly and they all seemed to agree.

"Maybe that's the reason!" Lucy exclaimed as if I had just given an answer to one of the world's mystery.

"Yeah, we all know how Sir Zachary loathes the board of directors. He even despise his own father."

"That's horrible. He may be rich but he's not in a good relationship with his parents." That sentence pulled my attention.

"Yeah, taking that into consideration, I'm a bit thankful that I wasn't born in a rich yet complicated family."

I wasn't aware by that. I didn't even notice Zachary's dislike towards the board of directors. Except for the fact that he did not even greeted them when he entered the conference room, there wasn't much to prove that claim.

"Why was he not in a good relationship with his parents?" I asked curiously and Hera looked at me.

"Right, you're new here. I guess you have the right to know since you're working under him." Hera concluded and gestured me to come close.

I lent her my ears to know the reason about that. It made me curious and I might not be able to sleep if I don't get to know the answer behind it. Once my curiosity is piqued, I will scoured the whole world to appease it. No exception to that rule.

"He wasn't supposed to be our boss in the first place. It was rumored that his father didn't want to appoint him as the CEO of M. Steels."

"If they don't want him to be the CEO, then that means they had someone in mind." I pointed out and Hera nodded.

That's fairly normal in the corporate world. But to think that Zachary's own father didn't want him to take the position of CEO is a little bit concerning. If I'm right, Zachary is the sole heir of his father's humongous chains of businesses. Why didn't he want to appoint Zachary as the CEO?

"That's right. His father wanted the current COO to be the appointed CEO before. Imagine the betrayal Sir Zachary might have felt when he knew that his father wanted a complete stranger to manage their family company?"

"That must be so worse than worst." Lucy commented and ate a spoonful of vegetable.

"It wasn't confirmed by anyone but we heard that Sir Zachary also tried to commit suicide because of that. It was said that he undergone emotional therapy because he was traumatized."

"Traumatized? From what?" I queried yet again.

I guess I still have a lot to uncover to fully know Zachary. Judging from all these information I am acquiring now, who knows how much more information there is in the shadow.

"That one stayed on the shadow, Violet. The reason why Sir Zachary got traumatized still remains a mystery." Hera answered me and I won't lie, I got a litt disappointed.

I got my hopes up for some tea or beans to be spill but they urgently cut my anticipation. They should lit some blinkers if they were to crash my hopes. At least warn me to not get my hopes super high up.

"So no matter how angry we might be to Sir Zachary, we always choose to understand him. He may be a tough and strong business man in our eyes, but he's way too fragile inside." Fred joined too and I couldn't help but felt guilty.

I was way too hurt that time and did not even think about his state. I wasn't even aware on what he had gone through. Showering him with anger is such an illiberal move from me. I admit to that. I plead guilty.

"I know. I still remember his first time as CEO in the company. He looked super gloomy." Hera commented.

"Have you been here since the beginning?" I asked because how would she know that? Unless she worked here starting from when Zachary became the CEO.

"I'm an old hag in this company, Violet. They even call me the resident witch of M. Steels." Hera joked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's a bit relieving that Sir Zachary is slowly regaining his brightness again. Do you notice he smiles more often, now?"

"I thought I was the only one who noticed that. He do be smiling a lot more now than before." Hera agreed and they high five with each other.

"I hope you are getting along well with Sir Zachary, Violet. He will be needing all the support you know." Fred told me and I only smiled at him.

I should really say sorry to him when he goes to work tomorrow. That's what I need to do.

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