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"You're coming with me, right?" I asked Cyan after he went home.

Hera told me that everyone can bring a date to the party and Cyan popped up in my head all of a sudden. He had been working non-stop and a party is just what he needed. Although if he doesn't agree to come, it's fine. But I really do wish he comes.

"A no won't satisfy you, right?" he asked and I nodded as if I was rattling my head.

I badly wanted him to come to the party. Aside from having a partner, I'll be helping him by having fun. Cyan is the type of guy who doesn't know how to have fun. He's someone who only knows studying and work for all his life that he forgot there is something more that life can offer. With a little external help from me, he'll be fine. 

"Okay. The party is tonight right?" he asked again when we were already in the kitchen.

Oh my goodness. I wanted to squeal in excitement but I don't want to alarm the others. I might disturb the other people in this house. And Aunt Emerald might get worried over nothing if I squeal.

"Yes and it's just semi formal so your usual work attire would do." I said but he gave me a snort.

"I won't wear my usual work attire, Miss. I don't want to look cheap beside you." he retorted and my brows shot upwards.

"What cheap? You and your nonsense jokes." I said and sat on the chair.

It was time for lunch and Aunt Emerald had called us to eat already. We always have lunch together when we're here. It's a family thing.

"Are you two going somewhere?" Auntie asked and I nodded.

"It's my boss's birthday and we're all invited to go. They said we can bring a partner so I asked Cyan to go with me." I happily stated and Auntie smiled.

"You've been inseparable these days, aren't you?" Auntie said and placed the bowl of soup in front of us.

She looked at Cyan and they shared a meaningful look. I just didn't put too much color in those stares because nothing good will come from it. It'll only complicate the situation and it may backfire on me. I don't want jumping into conclusions. I don't want to get the unpleasant side of it if ever.

"Should I come with you to the mall to pick an outfit?" I asked and he answered. "That would be nice. You're my partner anyway so it's important for you to help me pick my outfit."

"Okay, we'll go after this." I said and that's what we did. After eating, we headed to the mall together to pick an outfit for him.

I didn't even falter when he entered a branded boutique. I didn't care much because it's his money we're using so what? It's not my problem. And Cyan was the one who entered, not me. So I guess he's more than ready to pay for the branded clothes here. He's salary is more than enough to even buy everything in this boutique. I once heard about his salary from Aunt Emerald. His paycheck has tons of zeros that made me dizzy.

"Didn't you say your dress was a navy blue or something?" he asked and I nodded. I looked at him curiously to decipher what he was planning to buy and I halted him from doing so.

"Gosh, don't tell me you're buying the same color as my dress? Please don't, I don't like wearing clothes with the same color."

"If that's what you want. Then shall I just buy this slate gray round neck as an inner?" he asked as he showed me the clothes.

"This is actually good. It fits you very well." I complimented and a saleslady approached us.

"Are you looking for a suit perfect for a date, Sir?" she asked and I answered on behalf of Cyan.

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