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I couldn't help but jump a little when my new secretary dropped the checklist she was holding. What's wrong with her? Is she feeling fine? I was even too stunned to go and help her pick up the things she just dropped just now. I was just there standing while staring at my new secretary's stunned face.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she blinked after spacing out. She must be nervous for her first day. I'll try to understand.

Secretaries who works for the first time are really nervous. I understand that feeling. It's like finally getting a reality check that having a job isn't a joke. It's real and you have some added responsibilities now.

"I'm so sorry, Sir." she frantically picked up her stuffs before fixing those lens on her eyes.

I looked at her. She looked quite scared after seeing me. But why would she? Is she aware how I'm called a monster CEO because I always fire my secretary? I hope she doesn't see me that way. I may come off like that but if she is decent enough to not hit a nerve on me, I'll be fine. 

"What are my appointments?" I asked when she collected herself.

"At 11 o'clock you have a lunch meeting with Mr. Johnson and at 4 o'clock, you have a meeting with Mr.  Kendrick Rivera." she stuttered for a bit when she mentioned Kendrick's name.

Don't tell me that my new secretary likes Kendrick? That douchebag isn't even worth it to like. He's okay but he still isn't in a state to enter serious relationship. My secretaries having crushes on my friends is also not a new thing to me. They basically simp over walking assholes.

"Okay, did you prepare my coffee?" I inquired and she smiled before pointing at the coffee.

"It's over there, Sir." For some apparent reason, her smile radiated a bright atmosphere.

I turned my head towards the direction and saw the familiar coffee I drink in the morning. Good. She already knows the basic things. I'm starting to get a feeling that my day will be great today. I'm starting it in a good mood anyway.

I got the cup of coffee and sat on my chair. "Please leave my office. I'll call you when I need you."

She bowed a little before shooting a smile at me. I couldn't help but smile back at her. I kind of felt at ease with her. That's good to know.

I turned on the computer in front of me and started doing my job. I started off by reading mails and offers from different companies. The reports of the employees were also sent to me via email so it was easy to read them.

I was in the middle of working when the telephone rang. "This is Zachary Montemayor speaking."

"Sir, a certain Mr. Luke Morielli Tan is looking for you at the lobby. He doesn't have any appointments. Shall I let him pass?" my new secretary said.

I laughed for a little bit before answering. My secretary is new to the job so she wasn't aware about Luke. I can imagine how annoyed Luke is just by hearing what my secretary said. So she is basically not letting Luke enter my company. Amusing.

"Let him pass. Violet, remember that Luke doesn't need an appointment to meet me." I may have evil thoughts but I don't want to infuriate my best bud.

"Okay, Sir. I'll call the front desk." my secretary replied and ended the call. 

After awhile, Luke arrived at my office. He sat comfortably on my sofa as if it was his. Just as I was predicting, he had this creased eyebrows that shows how he was annoyed.

"Your secretary's strict. Isn't she oriented about the VIP's here?" he boasted and I snorted at his remark.

VIP my foot. Who told him that he was a VIP?

"Why are you here again? Don't you have a company to handle?" I asked and continued working. No matter who he is, I'll work. Work is more important than Luke.

"Relax, dude. I'm here because I miss you." he joked and spread his legs wide as if he was just at home.

"I won't ever buy that shit, Luke. Spill." I said because whenever he says gross and cringe things like that, he needs something. He needs my help and will probably ask me for a favor.

"Why do you always dismiss my caring attitude?" he whined like a teenager.

"It's called cringe attitude." I corrected and he looked at me disappointingly.

"That's why you never had any girlfriends. You don't have a romantic bone in you, dude." he pointed out.

Thanks for the info. I never needed it.

"Are we seriously going to talk about my nonexistent lovelife?" I asked because I didn't really want to talk about it.

"Good that you know it's nonexistent." he smirked and ate a grape that was on top of the center table.

"So why are you here again?" I brought back the main topic and he looked at me annoyed. "You're such a bummer."

"Whatever. Would you like some refreshments?" I offered because he seemed to be thirsty.

"So kind of you to offer. I'd like a juice." I nodded at his request and called my secretary to give us a juice.

My secretary, Violet, came quickly after my order. She slowly put the juice in front of Luke. Luke thanked her and she just bowed a little bit.

I observed Violet's actions. She was fumbling with her fingers and her eyes can't even stay put. It roamed around and I felt like she was lost and did not know what to do. Why is she acting strange again? Is she really not feeling well?

Is she always like this around new people? Or does she perhaps, likes Luke?

"Violet..." I called to make her eyes stop from moving. She might get tired from all that ruckus.

"Please do leave us." I said and she looked flustered when I said that, "Oh yes, I'm sorry. I'll be out."

She was in a hurry to leave the office when she accidentally tripped. Oh my God. She fell face first and Luke and I stood up in shock.

"Don't come close!" she exclaimed when Luke took a step towards her. We suddenly went into a halt with that sudden remark.

Violet stood up by herself and quickly left my office. Why was she acting weird?

Luke and I stared at each other and didn't know what to do. I was also contemplating whether to laugh or to feel worried about my secretary. That fall must have hurt a lot. I hope she is fine.

"What the hell was that, dude?" Luke asked when we both were slapped back into reality.

"Beats me." I replied and walked back to my chair to continue working on the several emails I just received.

"Your new secretary is turning out to be a little interesting too." Luke said and popped a piece of grape into his mouth before munching it with a smirk on his lips.

Yes, it was interesting.

HIS SECRETARYWhere stories live. Discover now