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"Is the patient reacting well to the medications?" I asked to the nurse who was assigned on the medications for the patient who undergone surgery.

We had performed a surgery not long ago to the patient and had a tumor removed from her body. It was a good thing that the tumor wasn't that worse and we were able to still retrieve it. If it stayed there for longer, the patient might have been dead from cancer now.

"Her body's recovering according to what we expected, Doc." the nurse replied to my question.

"Then let's continue her medications until she fully recovers. When is she scheduled to have chemotherapy?"

It was a bit complicated to assume when she'll be able to recover but we always have to plan ahead of time. "She's scheduled for chemotherapy next month."

"If she recovers quickly from the surgery, find out if we can move the chemotherapy earlier than we expected."  I ordered and they replied, "Yes, Doc. Will do."

"Okay then. Have your lunch break, see you later." I said and gave them the checklist I was looking at a while ago.

They bowed their heads before leaving me alone. On the other hand, I went on my way to the lobby. I'll just eat out or have some food in the cafeteria. Although hospital food tastes awful, I don't have a choice. It's the best option for me since I still have an appointment to tend to after lunch. I can't afford to lose so much time.

I was walking silently towards the cafeteria when I heard that familiar greeting. Here we go again.

"Hey Cyan!" Kendra's voice resonated in the lobby and I stopped on my tracks to look at her. Is she here to give me lunch again?

I looked at how she was dressed for today. She was rather dressed in a formal way than what she usually does. She was wearing a black turtle neck underneath a blazer and a skirt who had an identical design. Her black boots clanked on the floor whenever she walks. Did she go somewhere? She looks just like her old self.

I can see Kendra rather than that fake Violet Carter.

"Here." she said and handed me the usual lunchbox bag.

"Why are you giving it to me again?" I asked, "Your Mom's in the supermarket and she can't come today. I was dismissed early from work so I decided to bring them to you."

That explains her outfit. So she has a job now. "Tell Mom that I'll be home today. You can go."

I bit my lip when I heard the nonsense bickering of the nurses here at the lobby. I should really talk to Mom about Kendra giving me lunch. Everybody is starting a rumor about her being my girlfriend. And rumors spread like wildfire. I don't want Kendra to be in the middle of a messy issue. She has a lot on her plate right now anyway.

So when I went home, that was the first thing I did. I asked Mom to see me upstairs to talk about that matter.

"Please make her stop from delivering my lunch to the hospital, Mom." I went straight to the point to not stall time.

My siblings might think that there's a problem if I keep Mom out of sight for too long.

"What? Why?" Mom seemed worried and I couldn't help but to feel guilty.

"It's just..." I trailed off when I saw her worried expression.

I closed my eyes shut and thought about it. Even if Mom cherishes that woman so much, I still need to tell her my concerns. This isn't just about me but it is also about Kendra.

"Everybody in the hospital thinks that she's my girlfriend. I can't tell them that she's my sister because some of my colleagues know that Red is my only sister." I stated.

It was true. My colleagues which are also my college batch mates only know that Red is my only sister. They are aware that we are a family of four. Mom, Me, Red, and Blue. I can't just simply play along their supposed fake set up and push Kendra as a sister.

"But delivering your lunch makes her happy for a bit, Cyan. She seems to be in glee whenever she goes out and I just can't take that away from her."

"What about me, Mom? It's getting quite frustrating on my part. It's making my blood boil for some reason." 

"Can't you please just understand this one, Cyan? Kendra seems to be a cheerful girl but she's more than what meets the eye." she said and that statement made me turn my gaze to the woman.

She was laughing with my brother in the living room where we can clearly see them. At one glance, she looked like a cheerful and bright woman who never even gets upset.

"What about the registry, Mom? Why did you agree to that plan?" I couldn't help but also voiced out my query. The delivering my lunch thing is something I can tolerate. But this one?

"How did you know about that?" Mom asked confused.

I accidentally overheard them when they talked about that matter in the garden. I wasn't fully asleep and my room was so near to the garden that I heard what they were talking about.

"I was left with no choice." Mom answered and I snorted because of her reply.

What does she mean she was left with no choice? Mom could've just kicked her out right away. Besides, she's not a family. She's just someone we got acquainted to because she was Red's boss. Other than that, we weren't even that deeply connected with her.

"The fact that she went to some stranger for help is enough reason for me to embrace her, Cyan. She's here because she wanted someone to know that she wants to live. She wants to be free, Cyan."

"Free? Is she in a prison or something? She's rich, Mom. What else could she be wanting to be free from?"

"Being rich doesn't mean that you're free, Cyan. That girl went through a lot since she was born. I can't just simply ignore her cries." Mom defended and I sighed.

"I'm not telling you to ignore her cries, Mom. I mean, you could've addressed her cries in a legal way."

"Do you think I didn't thought about that? I did, Cyan. I thought that maybe Kendra was just in a state of shock and that the next day she will be okay. But no, it's so much more."

I sighed in defeat and looked at Mom. She was doing everything she can to defend that girl so who am I to disagree?

"If I were to turn my back at her too then who's gonna save her?" Mom said and I couldn't stop myself from glancing at Kendra again. A pang of guilt struck my heart.

"Haven't you considered the fact that maybe..." I cut my sentence and looked at Mom who was expectantly looking at me.

I might have disliked the way my colleagues bicker about her but the way I feel is making me want to save her. I don't hate Kendra, how can I hate such a precious girl?

"I can."

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