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I inhaled and exhaled deeply while looking at our mansion from afar. I was only three or four house away from it and I stopped on my steps. More people were walking by so I pulled my cap down before finally walking to our house. The guard stopped me and I removed my cap. He looked shocked but he let me in with his mouth wide open. I can't blame him. I was lost for six to seven months and I suddenly appeared as if I was just gone for a night.

"I'll inform Mr. Rivera about this." I heard the guard mumbled and was about to pull out his phone when I stopped him.

"Please keep quiet about this. I'll be meeting Dad later and I will take care of this." I told the guard while holding his wrist to prevent him from using his phone.

"Noted, Madame. I won't call Mr. Rivera anymore." he quickly obliged and I smiled at him.

"Thank you." I mumbled before continuing to walk.

The maids were all surprised too and I stopped them from telling my parents or Kendrick again. I told them that I'll personally go and tell them that I was here. I don't want any intervention from anyone. I just want to come clean to my family and go back in a peaceful way.

"Are they all in the hospital?" I asked and the maid shook her head.

"Mr. Kenneth is in his company while Mr. Kendrick is currently staying in his apartment. Shall I call him to deliver the news of you coming home, Madame?" she suggested but I didn't want that.

"No. I'll just go to his apartment and we'll go to the hospital. Please don't inform anyone until I do." I ordered and went inside my room.

It's been a long time. The room still looked the same and I can smell the newly washed garments. I can see that they still clean my room even if I wasn't present. I cut the reminiscing short and changed my clothes. I wore the clothes I have from the haute couture spring collection of a big brand. I partnered it with a stilleto and got a bag before going to the parking lot of the mansion. Good thing a driver was around and so he drove me to Billionaire's Row.

I easily reached Kendrick's apartment and I punched in the code. It quickly opened and I was a bit surprised to know that he still didn't change his passcode. He is really careless sometimes. This is why our parents are always worried of him and his decisions.

His luxurious receiving area welcomed me and I saw him by the terrace quietly standing. He looked thinner than the last time I saw him. Did he not take care of himself while I was away? I will feel really guilty if he did because of me. I sighed at the sight of my brother. I put my bag down and went closer to him.

"Kendrick?" I asked and he turned his head around to see me.

"Kendra?" he asked to make sure and I nodded before spreading my arms wide open. He ran to me like a lost child finally seeing his mom for the first time in years.

He was in my embrace and I heard his little sobs on my shoulders. I caressed his back and couldn't help but get teary eyed. "I was dead worried about you. Where have you been?"

"Just in Brooklyn. I'm sorry for stressing you." I apologized because I didn't mean to hurt him.

"It's fine. I'm just glad that you're finally back. Did you already see Dad? He will be very happy to see you!" he exclaimed and I shook my head before leading him to the couch.

"I planned on seeing him in the hospital. I'd like to go visit Mom with you. Can you manage?" I asked because he was surely drained of energy.

"Yes, of course! I'll just go and change my clothes before we go." he said and went upstairs to his room. After a while, he came back quickly and we both went to the parking lot where his car was parked.

He drove for us until the hospital and I was surprised that Mom was at the hospital where Cyan was working. I should have visited her when I came here the last time if I knew. Will I be able to see Cyan here? I will be happy to see him as Kendra. Even though I don't know if he will feel the same.

"Come on. Mom's in the thirtieth floor." he said and I felt kind of sad that the floor was far from where Cyan usually works. He's always in the emergency room anyway so I guess I won't see him.

We rode the elevator and I calmly stood there but my heart wanted to pump out of my chest. It was beating so hard and it's making me more nervous. I don't know how Dad will react and I'm preparing myself for any response from him.

"Don't be nervous. Dad won't react negatively." Kendrick must have sensed my nervousness and he helped me calm my nerves down.

"I hope so." I replied and right after that, the elevator opened.

Kendrick let me go out first and we walked to Mom's room. Kendrick looked at me before smiling. "Dad's inside. I'll be right here when you need me."

"Thank you." I said and hugged him before going inside the room alone.

When I got a full glimpse of the room, I saw Mom in her hospital bed. She has so many gauze attached to her body. My eyes started getting wet from tears. Oh my goodness, I don't want to cry right now. Mom must have acquired a lot of wounds. I shifted my gaze to the guy beside her and saw Dad.

He was wearing his usual attire. When he heard the door creaking, he looked at my direction and he was stunned. He froze and couldn't move an inch.

"Kendra? Is that you, my daughter?" Dad asked and I couldn't help but get teary eyed more. He stood up and ran towards me before hugging me so tight. I can feel his longing with his embrace.

I hugged him back with the same tightness and smiled with tears finally flowing down. After minutes, Dad stopped from hugging me and looked at my face. He caressed it and examined my face. I bet he is so happy to finally see him in flesh.

"Where have you been, Kendra? You made me so worried." he said and wiped the tears from my face.

"I'm sorry, Dad." I said and couldn't help but cry. This is such an emotional moment in my life.

"You cut your hair." he pointed out and I unconsciously brushed my hair.

"Is it bad?" I asked and he shook his head. He smiled and looked at me sweetly.

"It looks great on you. So great." he said and embraced me once more.

We exchanged conversations to talk about my life after I runaway from home. Dad also said sorry for what he asked me. He said it was immoral and he should've thought about his decision furthermore before he said that to me. He eventually left because he had to go back to the company. He asked if I want to leave with him but I declined. I wanted to wait until Mom wakes up. She was in deep sleep.

I'll tell her I'm sorry and at least let her see me today. I don't want to go home before I talk to Mom. She's the reason why I wanted to go back home anyway.

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