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"Do you really not want to have coffee?" Cyan asked after he got his order from the coffee shop.

"No, I'll be fine. I don't drink coffee, remember?" I ssid and he laughed after remembering something.

I had already told Cyan the truth about the coffee. He said he had hunches about it but kept quiet because at least he had a companion to the coffee shop. He said he'd rather buy a coffee which I don't drink rather than going here alone.

It was a naive thing for him to do but I find it cute. Cyan's charming if you just take time to know him well. He has unexpected traits that never fails to amaze me.

"I'll drive you back quickly then. I don't want you to be late because of me." he said and opened the car door for me.

I went inside and wore the seatbelt. I got his phone and browsed his music library again. I grimaced when I saw the same list of songs in his  playlist

"Gosh. Didn't you follow what I said? I had recommended you a thousand songs, Cyan. Why is your playlist still the same?" I said and he just shrugged.

I sent him a list of songs last time and it seemed like he's not planning on putting it on his playlist. If he won't, then I will.

"I told you I don't listen to music that much. I barely have time to check my phone." he said and I nodded. That was true though.

"I'll put some new songs you can listen to when you have time. A thank you will suffice."

"I'll prefer you taking selfies on my phone rather than putting songs I don't even know."

"But your phone already has a lot of my pictures. Shall I add some more?" I asked and smiled widely at him.

"Add some more next time. We're here." he announced and I look outside just to see the company building. I pouted at Cyan and removed my seatbelt.

"See you later, alligator."

"In a while, crocodile." he replied and we both snickered. I waved my hands at him before entering the building.

I was in a great mood while going to work not until I saw Zachary. I suddenly remembered it again. Gosh.

"Good morning, Sir." I said and read his appointments for him.

"Okay, you can go." he reiterated and I couldn't help but feel down.

He was extremely cold today and I know when to not force myself. He already stated what our status is and I purely respect it. I know the limitations and I don't plan on crossing it.

"Then, I'll be on my way Sir." I said and went out of his office to go to mine.

I slumped my back on my chair and opened the monitor to read emails again. I have to delete and forward the emails to Zachary. What an enjoyable work to do.

I did my work and went to the cafeteria. I sighed and picked up the fork again.

"Do you have a problem?"  Hera asked and I looked at her, surprised.

I was so preoccupied that I forgot I was with them. I smiled at Hera and twirl a pasta on my fork but I didn't have the energy to bring it to my mouth. I don't have an appetite.

"Did you and your boyfriend had a fight? You have been sighing for the hundredth time now, Violet." Fred stated while chewing on his burger.

"I did?" I asked and Lucy pouted before giving me a worried look.

"Was it that bad? Don't worry Violet, you'll get over it." she said and smiled at me.

"If ever you want some advice, you can come to us you know. We're good advisers." Hera proudly said and I couldn't help but smile again.

"No, I'm fine. You guys shouldn't worry about me." I dismissed and Hera seemed to not take it seriously.

"You know I'm always here right?" Hera said and I nodded at her direction. I didn't want to extend this topic further.

We had a peaceful lunch and we all excused ourselves to go back to work. I was busy inside my office when Zachary called.

I will be lying if I say that I didn't get excited about his call. I may be hurt but the feeling was still there. It won't go away in just a night.

"Please cancel my last appointment, Violet."

I was expecting something more than just that order but it seemed like Zachary won't change his mind. I sadly put the phone back on top of my desk and this time, I let the tears go out of my eyes.

Honestly, I have been tired of crying. Crying won't make a difference but it's all I can do. I even asked Cyan what treatments can I receive to stop crying but he told me to just let it be.

"Crying is a way to cleanse your heart and soul. Don't trap them, Kendra. It will be hard to deal with the consequences that will come by imprisoning your tears."

That was what Cyan told me. I believe in him so I decided to follow what he said.

When I had enough crying, I stopped and wiped the tears away. I transferred to the couch inside my office and laid down. I feel extremely exhausted after crying. I always feel like this.

"Hey..." I answered lifelessly to Cyan. He called again.

"You're crying again, aren't you?" he asked in a very careful way.

I smiled to lift up my mood and answered Cyan. "I'm cleansing my heart, great guy."

"I think your heart is very well cleansed already, Violet. Too much cleansing is bad and it will only bring pain." he said and I couldn't help but felt like crying again. 

Everyone has that one person whom they are very comfortable with. To me, that person is Cyan. I'm not afraid of showing my true self to him. I was super comfortable with Cyan.

"This is the last, Cyan. The very last." I informed and I heard him sigh.

"I'm glad to hear it then. I just called because I felt something was wrong...and I was right."

"Thank you for caring for me so much."

"Will never get tired of it. I'll end this call now." he said and we said our goodbyes before I put the phone back to my bag.

It was already time to go home and I stood up to go out. I walked to the elevator and ran into Hera and the others again.

"Violet, would you like to go with us?" Lucy asked while her arms were wrapped around Hera's arm.

"Where are you going?" I asked and they smiled brightly at me.

"The company's hosting a party for Sir Zachary's birthday. It's a semi formal party and we ought to buy dresses. Are you cool with it?" Hera asked and I thought about it for awhile.

A visit to the mall would be nice. "Okay, I'll go with you."

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