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"Kendra? Hurry up." Cyan said when he passed by my room.

It was time to leave the house again for work and Cyan was reminding me to hurry dolling myself up. I went back to my room because Blue accidentally poured a glass of water on my blouse this morning. I had to change my outfit because of that mishap. Blue was so sad that he ruined my outfit but I told him it was fine. We had to convince Blue that it was okay thus using a lot of time for it. 

I chose to wear a lavender long skirt that falls a few inches below my knees and partnered it with a white sleeveless top and white heels. I grabbed the mini blazer that comes with the skirt and ran to catch up with Cyan.

It was already nearing my work time so I can't just stay and stall some time. I ran like crazy and caught up with Cyan on the car. I put on the seatbelt and the car started moving out of Aunt Emerald's residence. I was riding with Cyan again for today.

Weirdly, he always goes home now and drives me to work. I badly want to ask him why but I was too shy to ask. He might answer me rudely and I don't fancy that kind of reply.

"I know we are running late but we can't skip on the morning coffee. Will you be okay if we pass by to buy some?" Cyan queried because we were nearing my destination.

"Let's go and get coffee. I don't think my boss is already at the company anyway." I replied.

"Okay. This will be fast." Cyan assured.

Cyan drove us to the coffee shop again. I wore my blazer before going out and we did the same routine. Buy coffee and he drives me back to the company. That simple.

But today, for some unknown reason, Cyan tried to ask me about something he did not care about before.

"You always order the same kind of coffee but I never even saw you drinking it." Cyan pointed out and I smiled at him quickly.

"It's because..." I trailed off and thought of a good reason. " I like drinking my coffee in the office. You know, to have that office vibe and all."

I tried my best to come up with a believable reason about that matter. The real reason I don't drink the coffee is because it was for Zachary. It wasn't for me. Plus I can't just tell that to Cyan. I don't want him to have the impression that I was ripping off of him, which was partly true. But hey, I'll definitely pay him back in the future for this.

"Then forget about the office vibe and drink it here." My eyes bawled for a moment because of what he said. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and was about to open the door when Cyan locked the car.

"I will be late Cyan. I need to go." I was desperate to go. I badly wanted to go.

"Not until I see you take a sip from that cup." Cyan said and I felt my whole world shattering.

Gosh. This coffee tastes horrible and he wants me to drink it? Are the odds against me today? I'm running late and Cyan is pressuring me to drink on this coffee.

"Fine. If that's what you want." I said and sipped a very little amount of coffee. Gosh. It tastes like hell.

Whatever. It only needs a sip and I can do that much to save myself. I can't bomb myself in front of Cyan. If he ever finds out that this coffee wasn't even for me, I'll be doomed. I will have no face to show him again if that happens.

"Have a great day at work, Kendra." he said with a smile and I all I could ever do was force a smile back. 

He just made me taste hell and he had the audacity to smile? How uncanny. I walked my way to the company and went to Zachary's office right away. Not long after I arrived, Zachary entered his office.

"Good morning, you're here early." Zachary said and I greeted him back. I'd be rude if I don't.

I may have got into a little trouble with Cyan but Hera told me to not forget to smile. Smiling is a requirement whenever I'm in the company.

"Are you here to tell me something?" he asked again after sitting on his swivel chair.

"No Sir." I quickly answered and my eyes bawled when he took a sip of the coffee I also took a sip from.

Zachary doesn't know about it but it was making me feel bothered. I shouldn't have served him the exact coffee I took a sip from. I know it's unhygienic but I can't just discard the coffee. It's a waste of money.

"If you'll excuse me, Violet. I'd like to be alone." he told me when I still didn't leave his office.

It was a nice way of telling someone to leave the area. Genius but whatever.

"Yes, Sir. I'll be on my way." I said and held the doorknob when I remembered something.

"What?" Zachary asked when I faced him again. He was already looking at the monitor when I turned around.

"You forgot to take this from me, Sir. It's the research about your special someone." I said and handed me the printed information about myself.

If somebody had seen me the other day, they might have think that I had gone crazy. While I was searching about myself, I couldn't help but feel different emotions. Some articles pleased me and some enraged me. It made me laugh, angry and happy just by researching about myself. It was a new experience to me because I never really searched about myself on the internet. Who knows that thousands of articles were written about me?

"Oh that! Thanks for reminding, Violet. I was quite busy these days that it slipped off my mind." he said and I nodded.

It was evident. He looked so not himself these past few days. He goes to work looking all gloomy and down. I think he has a problem he is currently dealing with but I don't want to ask. I'm just his secretary anyway. Poking my nose into his personal life is an unprofessional move.

"I can see, Sir." I said and handed him the papers before leaving.

I went out of his office and did my usual work. The days passed by so fast that lunch time arrived quickly. I headed to the cafeteria and joined my friends for lunch.

"You look so emo, Violet. What's up?" Hera asked when I arrived at the cafeteria.

"It's nothing. It's just that Sir Zachary seems to be having a problem that he kind of influenced me."

"Everybody's got a problem. That's why it's a requirement to always smile at the office you know." Hera stated and took a bite on her sandwich.

"Spread brightness. That's the motto." Lucy added and I just smiled to assure them that I was okay.

"You should join hs for karaoke, Violet. Let's shake that negative energy off." Hera invited while I eat my lunch.

"Karaoke?" I asked because the idea excites me.

I haven't been to one. And I have no idea what it means but who cares? Let's just go.

"Yes. Lucy, Fred, and I are planning to go today. Want to come?" Hera asked and I was quick to nod. 

"That's great. We'll wait for you in the lobby after work. Does that sound okay to you, Violet?" Fred queried.

"It's fine. I'll see you all later."

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