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Today was far from a normal day. It would've been one of those boring days in my life, but Zachary made it not so normal. He was acting weird and all. When I was in his office, I planned on making him some coffee before he arrived. When he saw me, he immediately shot me a smile which he never does usually.

It gave me a little goosebump but my heart fluttering outshined that one.

"Good morning, Violet." he greeted and I plastered an awkward smile.

"Good morning, Sir." I replied before putting the right kind of coffee in the coffee maker.

"Are you making my coffee?" he asked and I slightly jolted upwards because of surprise.

How did he get here so quickly?

"Yes, Sir." I answered nonetheless.

"You can go, Violet. I'll take care of this." he suddenly ordered and I looked at him bewildered. He's really acting weird and that's sending chills to my spine. I might get goosebumps all day if he acts like that.

"Then, I'll go Sir." I said and walked away from him when he suddenly grabbed the sleeve of my blouse and it got ripped off.

I couldn't help but exclaimed at what happened. Now my left arm was exposed and the sleeve was in Zachary's hands. Did he just ripped my blouse off?

Well my blouse may not be made from a high quality clothing but did he just ripped it off? Just how strong did he gripped my blouse for it to be ripped off so easily?

"Shit! I'm sorry Violet!" he said and ran towards me to try to put the sleeve back to its place. I stepped away from him and gave him a stare.

"It's... it's fine Sir. I'll be on my way." I said and grabbed the ripped sleeve before rampaging out of his office. Gosh. He's such a nuisance.

I had an extra blouse in my office but it didn't looked right with the overall outfit. It was an eye sore when I partnered it with my current skirt. I called Aunt Emerald and she quickly responded to my needs.

"Are you busy, Auntie?" I asked over the phone after she received my call.

"Not so much, dear. Why? Do you need me for something?" she asked and I even hear customers talking in the background.

She's probably in the market. It will be too much of me if I ask her to get me some clothes in the house to change into.

"Don't hesitate, dear. Tell me what you need." Aunt Emerald must have noticed how I was hesitating to tell her what I need.

"Something happened in the office and I got into some wardrobe malfunction, Auntie. Will it be possible if you get me some clothes to change into?" I was still hesitating when I said that.

"Sure, dear. I will just go back to the house and go get you some clothes. Wait for me, dear." Auntie said before we ended the call. 

Thankfully, she didn't took long before she arrived with my clothes. I quickly changed into the clothes Auntie brought. It was a white ruffled sleeves crop top blouse, a denim jeans and white chunky boots. She also brought me a new long coat and I couldn't be more thankful.

"I thought you were wearing a skirt?" Hera asked and I just flashed her a smile.

There is now way that I am telling them what happened in Zachary's office. It's way too annoying when I think about it now. Why did he even pulled my blouse? What was he thinking?

"She were? She's originally in a jeans, Hera. Your memory is mixed up." Fred said and I was relieved.

"Really? Was it yesterday when Violet wore a skirt?" Hera queried and Lucy shook her head.

"It was the other day, Hera. Gosh." Lucy stated and I only smiled.

I didn't want to tell them what really happened because it was too embarassing. It may also ruin Zachary's image so I'm not gonna tell anyone.  We finished lunch just like any other day and we separated ways to go back to work again. I bid goodbye to my friends when they went out of the elevator. Again, I was left alone and when the elevator opened, I went out.

After walking out, I saw Zachary. He must have felt my presence because he looked at me. I stopped on my steps and felt awkward all of a sudden. Why was he looking at me?

"Violet, good thing you're here." he said and walked towards me.

I couldn't help but stagger in my place while he was approaching me. When he got close, he stopped and smiled at me.

"Do you need me for something, Sir?" I asked but he shook his head.

"I'm going out for a meeting with a client. I just wanted you to know." he said and I sighed before nodding at him.

"Thank you for informing me, Sir. Have a good meeting." I said and excused myself to let him be on his way. Zachary bid goodbye and left me to be in peace.

The afternoon quickly passed by with me inside my office sorting out files after files. When it was almost time to go home, I went to Zachary's office to get the cup he used for his coffee this morning. I'll drop it off in the cafeteria for them to wash.

After getting the cup, I was about to go when Zachary suddenly entered his office. I jerked my shoulders upward because of surprise and he didn't seemed to notice me inside.

"What happened Kendrick? Why the hell are you sobbing on the phone?"

My head instantly turned towards Zachary's direction. He was on the phone with my brother and he said Kendrick's crying. But Kendrick barely cries. I wonder what happened for that confident brat to cry. He never really want anyone to see or hear him crying. He must be in some sort of big trouble to bowl like that.

"What? Dude, please stop sobbing first for goodness's sake! I can't understand a single word you are saying." Zachary frustratedly said and I focused my attention on him.

Zachary went silent, probably listening to the reason why Kendrick was crying. He seemed calm for awhile but his expression suddenly changed into a shocked one.

"What?!" Zachary said after being quiet for awhile. He stood up with a creased forehead and he grabbed his coat and quickly wore them.

He turned his phone off and was walking out to the office in a very fast pace. "Sir! Sir!" I called his attention. I wanted to know what happened too.

"Violet, I didn't saw you there." he stated but I needed to know the reason why he was giddy.

"Sir, where are you going?" I asked and he stopped before looking at me. He sighed and massaged his forehead slightly.

"Kendrick's mom got caught in an accident and is currently in a critical state, Violet. I'm going to the hospital to calm Kendrick. Don't worry Violet and just go home now." he said and left me inside his office, dumbfounded with what I heard.

I lost balance and I heard the cup I was holding a while ago, shattering on the floor. I fell on the floor and tears started flowing down. Oh my gosh. Mom got caught in an accident and was in a critical state. Oh good God.

I couldn't help but cry on the floor. Please not Mom.

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