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It was another day and I wasn't planning on going to the company. I'll be going somewhere more important. My work can probably wait for me until I settle this important matter which I volunteered myself to get involved.

"Should I buy you some breakfast, Sir?" Andrei asked and I shook my head.

"It's fine, Andrei. I'll just go grab something on the way perhaps." I replied to my chauffeur.

I kind of feel bad that he went all the way here to work just to go home in the end. I completely forgot to text him not to report to work today. 

After showering, I wore a black slack and tucked inside of it a white dress shirt. I tossed a black shoes on and a watch before leaving the house. I drove myself to the location and headed straight there.

"Who are you here for, Sir?" the receptionist asked when I entered the lobby.

"I'm here as Kendrick Rivera's guest." I replied and the receptionist scanned through the papers where the names of the visitors are listed.

"ID please, Sir." he asked for and I quickly pulled out my license to show him a proof.

When he finished going through several security requirements, he let me in the building finally. I went to the elevator and pushed the button for Kendrick's floor. After arriving, I walked to where his apartment was. I punched in the passcode and entered Kendrick's humble abode. I saw him eating breakfast by the fireplace and I joined him by sitting on the couch near him.

"You're here early." he pointed out while munching on his breakfast.

"No, Kendrick. You woke up late." I pointed out and Kendrick snorted before eating a spoonful of porridge again.

"I'm still sleepy Zachary. Why did you come so early?" he grumbled and I tossed him a throw pillow which hit his head.


Kendrick glared at me for throwing a pillow that hit his head He grabbed the pillow and tried to get revenge but I got good reflexes. I was able to dodge it like a pro.

"I set aside my work just to meet you here and you want me to let you sleep? Not a chance Kendrick." I informed him because that was the truth.

I left tons of work in my company just to be a good friend for him. Well it isn't his duty to wake up early but he should at least make an effort. I even exchanged something important for him.

"Just let me take a nap! Dad bugged me for twenty four hours yesterday that I did not got enough sleep." Kendrick complained and I felt guilty about it.

I'm aware how his family is in a crisis right now. Everything is just in a mess and they were always frantic. 

"Fine. I'm giving you thirty minutes to take a nap. Make sure to wake up right away, dumb egg." I reminded him because thirty minutes will be enough.

I quickly stood up and put my bag on top of the dining table. I know it's called dining table but I use it as a study table when I'm here. While Kendrick takes a nap, I'll do my work for awhile. Maybe thirty minutes was too short that I did not noticed Kendrick sitting at the chair across me. He had taken a shower and was now ready to discuss serious matter with me. We did not waste any time and started to work.

"I know I'm asking you to help me locate my sister Zachary, but why do you seemed to be too interested in this matter? Am I overlooking this or not?" Kendrick asked in the middle of our serious discussion.

I was in his penthouse again to inform him what I gathered when I went to Williamsburg two days ago. He must have sensed my strong will in finding Kendra. Fine. He asked anyway and he's my friend so I guess he deserves to know.

"Kendra won't let me sleep for countless nights, Kendrick. My mind is always clouded with the thought of her. She's the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think of at night. Do I still need to elaborate?" I courageously said to him.

"You like my sister. That's what you're trying to say." Kendrick stated and I felt the heavy feeling on my chest become lighter.

"Like might be an understatement, Kendrick. I feel like it is." I confidently stated and Kendrick smirked at me.

"I won't stop you, dude. No one can't stop their feelings anyway. And whoever Kendra chooses to be her partner in the future, is none of my business at all. But you know the basics." he then suddenly turned into a brother mode which made me quite scared for a second there.

"Yeah, of course I know." I reiterated as if it was nothing.

Surprisingly, he wasn't taking this talk seriously. But I guess I must be wrong.

"I'd support you as a friend but I'll discourage you as her brother. In my opinion, no one deserves Kendra. She's just too perfect for anyone, even you." Kendrick teased and laughed his butt off until he collapsed on the floor.

It's good to see Kendrick laughing. At least I know that he is still in good shape and is not on the verge of giving up. He has too much in his shoulders that I was afraid he might burst any time.

Kendrick was too invested in finding his sister that I was too worried that he might forget to take care of himself. As his friend, it was bothering me that he's not doing well in the middle of their family issues.

His family was a mess after Kendra left. His Dad was out of himself and his Mom was the only strength that was keeping them all intact. I'm relieved to know that Mrs. Rivera was strong during the crisis that befell her family.

"Whatever. I'm not after your approval, Kendrick. You're not even the one I like." I daringly said to him.

"You're cheesy. It makes me cringe." Kendrick commented and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Let's just get this over with Kendrick. Don't tease me." I said and showed him the information I gather.

I had spent all the time I had yesterday to acquire any information which may help us in finally locating Kendra. It may not be a big issue now but as time ticks, it's getting worse too. Add the fact that Kendrick's family didn't want any of the media to be involved. With that in mind, we should really be quick on our pace. Locating Kendra the sooner, the better.

"Okay if you say so. Now where were we?" he asked because we got too off the track just now.

I brought back my serious self and we continued our meeting. Finding Kendra is what we are aiming for. It's our ultimate goal.

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