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When Zachary suddenly wiped the cheese at the edge of my lips, I didn't know what to react. Not only that he invaded my personal space but he also made my brain go haywire. Is this normal?

I screamed once and ruined my hair. I'm going crazy because of that guy. Why did he even do that? Is he unaware of what the consequences might be if he recklessly do such acts? I'm agitated over this frivolous matter and I couldn't calm down.

With the thought of my Mom, I searched for my phone. A phone call with her might help me calm down. Gosh. Does Zachary even know how my heart beat so fast at that moment? I feel like I was gonna die right there.

My eyebrows suddenly met when I couldn't find my phone. Where did I left my phone? I thought I had it in my pocket?

I mentally slapped myself when I remembered where I had left my phone. It was in the dining room. Now how can I get it? I'd still like to isolate myself from that guy. Who knows what he might do?

"I just wish he vanishes! He will be the cause of the turmoil in my peaceful life. Gosh!" I monologued and screamed again.

I was taken aback by a sudden knocking of my order. I stood up and stiffened. Why is he knocking on my door? Does he really want me to have a heart attack?

Zachary started saying something but it was too hard for me to decipher. All I could hear were gibberish sounds from him. I couldn't pinpoint what he was actually trying to say so I just shut myself up.

Thankfully, he left quickly and I could be in peace again. Screw Zachary and his sorcery of making me crazy. What if I might get thrown into a mental asylum because of this? I was sure I wasn't crazy but I was also sure that I wasn't normal right now either.

In order to think straight again, I decided to have a shower. A cold shower might sweep my worries away. But after doing so, my mind was still in a bit of haywire. It was as if my mind was done into countless knots awhile ago and thanks to the cold shower, I think I unknot some of them.

I wore a simple shirt and a pajama before carefully going out of my room. Zachary can't be seen anywhere in the penthouse. Did he go somewhere?

I was tiptoeing my way to the dining room when somebody spoke. "You do know that you looked dumb while doing that, right?"

My feet stepped on the wrong angle and I stumbled before waiting for the impact of myself hitting the floor. I readied myself for it but a pair of hands held my back and I didn't get to hit the floor. I opened my eyes just to see Zachary so close to me.

I inhaled sharply before my heart beat started beating fast. There it goes again. My heart is beating insanely fast again just like how it did awhile ago.

"So cute of you. Are you really always that careless, Kendra?" he said in a very attractive way.

What did I just thought of now? I shut my eyes closed and shook my head before jumping out of Zachary's embrace. He looked at me weirdly and shook his head.

"Are you sick or something? You're acting weirdly, Kendra." I fumbled with the glasses before I got to sip some refreshments. My throat is going dry all of a sudden.

"You shouldn't act like that, Kendra. You're making me worry and---" I couldn't gather what he just said because I could not help but spat out the water in my mouth.

When I looked at Zachary, I just wanted the ground to eat me. He was now drenched in water, the water from my mouth.

He coughed once and was about to vomit. He held onto his mouth to stop himself from vomiting in the dining room. He looked disgusted right now and I feel so sorry.

"I'm so sorry." I said when I gathered enough courage to talk. I feel so embarassed after spatting water at him. How can this day turn out like this?

"It's fine, you should leave me alone. I'm good, I'm not disgu---" Before he can finish what he was saying, he already ran to the sink to vomit.

"Come, I'll escort you to the bathroom to shower. I'm really sorry, Zachary."

He held his hand up, motioning me to stop talking. I'm terribly embarassed with what I just did. Escorting him to the nearest bathroom is all I can do to make him feel okay. Apologizing won't do anything but that's all I can ever muster.

I left Zachary inside the room he was staying at and contemplated on what to do. I should at least be decent enough to give him sonething as a symbol of my humble apology. I just couldn't think of anything deserving to be given to him.

When I saw the ingredients Zachary had brought here, I thought of doing something I have never done before. Cooking.

I bit my lip in distress. My heart tells me to cook somethig for Zachary as an offering but my minds says no. I can't cook and that's the truth. But my determination might help me right?

Whatever. Here goes nothing.

I wore an apron and picked up the ingredients. Now what can I make with these? After hesitating for a few more minutes, I got the courage to start slicing the onions.

I wasn't even half done with the onions when I accidentally wounded my finger. First, I rinse my finger with water before putting band aid on it. This really happens every time I touch snyhing in the kitchen.

Affixing the word obtuse on me when it comes in kitchen work is a bit too much. I admit that I'm not that clever when it comes to cooking but I believe that I know some of the basic knowledge about it.

Minutes passed by and I finally managed to finish preparing the ingredients. I then turned on the heat and put cooking oil on the pan to start stir frying the vegetables.

I thought everything was going fine not until I saw dark smoke invading the kitchen. It made the whole kitchen dark that I had to use  a flashlight to find my way. I turned the heat off and stood there dumbfounded. I just burnt the vegetables.

Zachary suddenly emerged from nowhere and looked as if he was in a state of panic. He blinked his eyes probably absorbing the situation.

He turned his gaze to me and I looked down, feeling ashamed of what I did.

"I tried." I mumbled with minimal volume in my voice that I'm not sure if he heard.

I wanted to cry. My eyes suddenly felt heavy and I feel like they were about to surrender. I sniffed once and a tear dropped.

"Kendra, are you crying?" Zachary asked and I just felt the whole world stop and my tears cascaded nonstop.

I'll forever hate this day. I swear.

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