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I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked so different.

Aunt Emerald helped me to cut my hair. She did it into a bob cut and even put a window bangs on me. The reason why she did that is because this is how she imagined Violet Carter to be.

"I bought you a glasses. Wear this when you go out. Make sure that you won't get into trouble whenever you go out of this house, Kendra."

"Noted, Auntie. Oh! I will be out for today to look for a job."

"A job? You can't work, Kendra. What if somebody recognizes you? You'll be in great trouble. Just stay here in the house and do the household chores."

"But I can't just live off with your money, Auntie. That's uncomfortable and I don't want that. I want to work to pay for my living expenses."

"You're my daughter now, Kendra. It's okay if you don't work. Besides, our supermarket is doing well and I wouldn't be penniless if I add one more daughter to my budgeting."

"Still, I will feel uncomfortable. I promise that I won't get into trouble while working, Auntie. I swear."

"I can see that you're determined to work, Kendra. I won't be able to stop you anymore even if I disagree, right?"

I granted her a smile and that's when Auntie said goodbye. She has to go to the supermarket and supervise it. I told her that I will also go out and search for a job for myself.

"Right, I forgot to give this lunch to Cyan. I'll just pass by his hospital on my way to the supermarket." Auntie mumbled to herself.

Why would she pass by when the hospital is out of the way? It's on the other street of the supermsrket's location.

"I'll just bring this to him, Auntie. The hospital's out of your way and it'll be a waste of time."

"Don't worry Kendra. I can handle this. You should go on your way to find a job." she dismissed my offer and put Cyan's lunch into a paperbag.

"No, I insist. I'll drop this off to him while you go straight to the supermarket, Auntie." I ssid and Auntie seemed to be considering my offer.

"Okay then. Here is the lunchbox. Cyan's office is in the fifth floor of the hospital. You should go there if you can't find him in the hospital."

"Noted, Auntie. I'll be on my way. See you tonight." I bowed a little before leaving the residence. I hailed a taxi to ride with on my way to the hospital. I paid him the exact amount before going out.

My mouth hanged open upon seeing the hospital. Enormous wasn't even fit to describe it. Cyan must be an excellent doctor that he was able to work here.

"Is Dr. Carter in his office?" I asked the nurse in the front desk and she smiled warmly towards me.

"Do you have a appointment, Ma'am?" she asked and I blinked for a few times upon realizing that I did not have one.

"Nevermind. Thank you for answering, I'll be on my way." I said and looked for the elevator. I'll just head to his office without anyone knowing.

I waited for the elevator to open. When I heard a ting sound, I looked at the elevator opening but something caught my eye. I saw familiar figure walking towards my direction. Is that Cyan?

I ditched the elevator ride and walked towards the familiar figure. He was walking together with some male nurses and was busy talking about something.

"Oh?" I mumbled in glee and ealked even faster to his direction.

When we were just a few meters away from each other, I got a full glimpse of his face. It was really Cyan!

"Hey Cyan!" I shouted and he looked at my direction. Even the male nurses with him looked at me confused.

"What are you doing here?" he asked when his subordinates left us alone.

"Aunt Emerald told me to give you this." I said and handed him the lunch made by his mother.

I stared st him and the bags under his eyes waved at me. How many days did he not sleep? He looks terrible than the first time I saw him during lunch.

"Okay. Tell her that I'll eat this so she doesn't have to worry." he said and looked at the contents of the lunchbox.

I was busy staring at his eye bags that I did not noticed him staring back at me. I flinched and blinked at him.

"You should eat a lot of parsley if you always get those puffy eyes. Parsley is good in reducing those. I'll tell Aunt Emerald to prepare tea bags for you too. I heard tea is also good in getting rid of eye bags."

I said and smiled at him right after. He wasn't speaking for a few moments before he replied harshly. "Are you a nutritionist? I also don't like tea, so don't bother telling Mom."

"I studied Biochemistry in college, for your information." I said and rolled my eyes at him in annoyance.

Why does he take me so lightly? Just because I was a daughter of a rich business man doesn't mean that I did not study at all. I wasn't even fond of business in the first place so I studied Biochemistry. But after a year in that course, I shifted to business because of Dad.

"Go home already." he mumbled and walked passed me. I blew out a sigh of annoyance. Is saying thank you thst hard? Gosh.

I did not care about Cyan anymore because I have to go on my way. I walked out of the hospital to roam the streets of New York to find a job.

But after hours of walking, I couldn't find a job. They all told me to wait for their call and I perfectly know that it was just a way for them to reject me. It's the best way to reject an application. On that way, they'll get hurt less.

I was too tired of walking so I swing by a small convenience store to buy a bottle of water. I deserve this after waliing endlessly.

When I went out of the convenience store, my eyes landed on the building next to it. A big logo was on top.

M. Steels.

I never heard of that company. But the fact that there was a sign on the glass door made me enter the building.


We are hiring an Executive Secretary for the CEO of M. Steels. We are still open for appliers. Please find Mr. Chan for this matter.

My heart jumped in glee because of it. I just wish that I'll get accepted here. I had been into many companies before this and they all rejected me. Let's just pray for the odds to be with me.

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