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Two days have passed after I applied to the position of executive secretary of some company. I did not care much when they still didn't call after two days. If I got rejected then I'll find another job. Easy as pie. Besides, I didn't even anticipated to be hired right away. All those data that I submitted as a proof of my experience were all fake anyway.

"How's your job search, Kendra? Is it going well?" Auntie asked and I couldn't help but fabricate a lie. It's just a white lie to make her not worry about me.

"It's going well, Auntie. I'm expecting that I'll be able to get the job today." I said and Auntie smiled brightly at me.

"Is that true? That's great news! Then, here's a reward for my ever hardworking daughter." she jokingly said and put a bowl of noodles in front of me. It warms my heart that even if I was just an outsider from their family, Auntie chose to consider me as her own.

"Thank you, Auntie." I mumbled before eating the food served.

I was in the middle of finishing the whole bowl when Cyan came down from upstairs. He was wearing his usual formal wear. While going down, he was fixing the strap of his wristwatch. His ever charming yet intimidating aura flashed before my eyes again.

"Good morning, Cyan! Come here and eat with us." Aunt Emerald invited him over to the table.

I did not bother to greet him anymore because I learned that he wasn't used to greeting back. I don't want a one sided greeting because it makes me feel ashamed. Does he even know or is even aware how embarrassing it is to not be greeted back?

"Are you going home for tonight, Cyan?" Auntie asked the ever snob doctor in this family.

"Yes, Mom. I don't have any schedule for tonight but who knows." he looks so serious every single time that I don't even know if he knows how to smile.

"You're tired aren't you, my son?" Auntie asked in a way that only mother's can. I suddenly felt sad upon remembering my own Mom. I wonder what they're doing right now.

In fact, there weren't any news about me missing. They may have decided to keep the issue between the family only. They're probably finding me in silence so that the media wouldn't know.

"Kendra? I was calling you a while ago." Blue suddenly said and I smiled at him.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something. You were saying?" I asked this cute boy.

"I asked if we can play video games after I finish my homework." he said and beamed at me in a way that I can not say no.

It has been a daily routine for Blue and I. He'll go to school and come back home before seven. He'll eat dinner first and we'll be playing his video games in his room until he gets sleepy. He may be a high school student now but he is still a baby boy. He needs a lot of care.

"Sure. I'll even get us snacks. Study hard at school, Blue." I encouraged him.

"I will Kendra."  he said and went upstairs to fix himself before he leaves.

Aunt Emerald drops Blue in school and drives Red to the company. Cyan has his own car so he drives himself to the hospital.

"Are you going somewhere, Kendra? You can come with me to the supermarket if you don't have anything to do." Auntie said and I dismissed her suggestion.

"I'm waiting for the company's call. I'll also have some gardening to do Auntie so I think I'll be occupied all day." I reiterated.

It was true that I was going to do some gardening but about the company call, I wasn't sure. I don't even know if they will really call or not. I'm not getting my hopes up for something that'll make me disappointed in the end.

"Okay then. We will be leaving now. Don't open the door no matter what or who it is. I'll be back right away." she reminded.

"Yes, Aunt Emerald. Be careful on your way."

I bid goodbye to them and went upstairs to change my clothes. I have designated clothes for gardening. I'm sensitive when my clothes get dirty so I chose clothes that I won't be mad even if it gets awfully dirty. When I finally changed my clothes, I got the gloves and a hat to shield myself from the sun. I went to the back yard to fix the garden there.

I started by loosening the soil around the plants. They need that to be able to breathe freely and absorb water easily. I also plucked out weeds that steal the nutrients that could have helped the flowers to grow even more.

I was busy humming while fixing the garden when my ringtone roared. I got my phone out and saw an unregistered number. I hesitantly answered the call and did not speak before I confirmed who the caller was.

"Hello? Is this Violet Carter? I'm Mr. Chan from M. Steels and I called to inform you about the updates on your application."

Upon hearing that, I couldn't help but gasped and stood up abruptly. Oh my gosh. Does this mean that I got the job?

"Yes Mr. Chan, this is Violet Carter you are speaking to. What about my application?" I replied with a huge smile.

"We had came into a decision to hire you as the executive secretary. If you are free today, would you mind coming to the company to have a second interview? We need to make sure that all the information about you is correct."

"Sure, Mr. Chan. I'd love to go and have a second interview. I'll head there right away." I said and the call ended.

I ran up to my room to change my clothes. First, I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair in a flashing speed. I wore a black turtle neck and partnered it with a brown checkered slacks and a pumps. I put on a blazer and was ready to go.

I quickly texted Aunt Emerald that the company called me to have a second interview. She replied with a message, cheering me on to get the job. 

After hailing a taxi, I put makeup on the way to the company. I need to look presentable to be able to secure that position. I'm sure there will be one or two or three of us left. It takes more than one screening to be able to get hired to a good company.

I'm quite confident though. With that fake but well polished background and experience, I'm sure that I'll secure that position. Who can do it better than me? No one. I'm Kendra Rivera after all.

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