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I slowly opened my eyes and brightness welcomed me. I blinked for a few times before roaming my eyes around. Where on earth am I? Why is the room all white? I'm dead or something? But this is not how I envisioned heaven to look like.

"You should stop moving. You're hindering my work, Kendra." somebody said beside me and I looked at who it was.

"Cyan?" I called and he smiled warmly at me. "At your service."

He then looked at the monitor beside me and I creased my brows. I'm at a hospital. Why was I here again?

I racked my brain for some seconds until I remembered what happened. I ran out of the hotel after Zachary rejected me again and I ran in the streets until a car hit me. Oh my gosh! I got hit by a car. I frantically examined myself if I was still in complete composition and sighed in relief when I found out I was still in a whole.

"You're fine. We transferred you here because you're reacting well to the medications. We're quite surprised that you're recovering quickly than what we expected." Cyan uttered and I looked at him.

He is so charming when he is at work. I bet that is why a lot of patients chooses this hospital over others. Cyan is here, so yeah. I agree with other people's decisions.

"How many days am I here?" I asked and Cyan looked at me. He looked from afar and must be thinking of how many days I am here.

"I'm not sure but you were asleep for three days here in the step down unit and you spent one night in the ICU. Approximately five days or so." he answered and I was left in shock. I was here for almost five days?

"When can I go home?" I asked and Cyan grimaced.

"You shouldn't hurry. Besides, we'll transfer you first to a regular hospital floor once your condition gets better." Cyan said and closed the checklist he was holding and was about to go.

"Are you leaving already?" I asked sadly and pouted a little. I don't want to be alone right now.

"Do you want me to stay?" he asked and I was hesitant to say yes.

He's probably busy enough and I will only add up to his time. I don't want him to waste his time on me. He could've used that in a more important thing rather than staying here. I should probably just let him go and do his work.

"Just say yes and I will stay no matter how busy I am. It's always you first more than anything, remember?" he said and I felt so overwhelmed.

He's still the sweetest boy in the world. Oh my goodness. It's making me guilty of hurting me over and over again. He's too precious. I just can't find fault in him which makes me more guiltier than ever. 

"Then I'd like you to stay." I mumbled and he sat on the chair beside my hospital bed. "Then that's what I'm going to do." he said and smiled warmly at me.

"You sure you are not busy? I don't want you neglecting work for this." I reminded Cyan.

"Would you like an apple? I'll peel one for you." he offered and totally avoided the question. And I just nodded at him as an answer.

I just stared at Cyan while he peel the apple. Having someone really feels different. I'm thankful that I have Cyan right now. I really hate being alone to be honest. It feels suffocating and distressing.

"Here, eat this while I peel some more." he said and got another apple to peel.

"You're not trying to kill me with apples, are you?" I asked because I can't eat more than two apple in one sitting.

"Of course not. Then I'll just peel one more before going." he said and that's what he did.

After peeling another apple, he excused himself. He said he have some more work to do and I let him go. Besides, my parents are coming over to visit me. I'll be fine.

While eating my apple, my parents arrived quickly than what I was expecting. They brought clothes for me and food. Mom went to my side and brushed my hair with her fingers.

"Are you feeling okay? Tell me if something hurts, darling. Okay?" she said and I just nodded at her direction. Dad was only sitting on the couch and I was surprised when Kendrick entered.

"Did you come here with him?" I asked Mom and she shook her head.

"We went here first and he just followed. He said he wanted to visit you too." Mom said and I nodded.

"Would you like some apples, Kendra? I'll peel some for you." he offered and I rolled my eyes.

Does he not see me munching on an apple right now? I don't know if he just purely didn't see me or he is an idiot for asking that. He has eyes, why not use it?

"I'm already eating one, why bother?" I pointed out and he looked surprised.

"Did you peel that apple by yourself?" he asked and I shook my head.

"I don't even have the strength to clench my fist and you're asking me if I peeled these myself? Cyan did it for me, of course." I said and took another bite to my apple.

"Cyan? Who the hell is that?" Kendrick asked and I looked at him.

"Ask Mom or Dad. They might met him already." I said and Kendrick really did asked Mom.

Well I'm sure my parents met him already. They probably talked to him about my condition or something. He is the doctor in charge of me. So it is just natural for them to meet.

"Cyan? I don't know anyone by that name, darling. Are you sure we met them?" Mom asked me and I nodded.

He's my doctor so of course they met him. I'm pretty sure they talked once or twice if I'm not mistaken.

"He's the doctor assigned to me, Mom. He's also my friend. Can't you remember any moments you talked to him?" I asked because there is no way that they haven't met him.

"That doctor was your friend, darling? His surname's Carter, am I right?" Dad asked and I smiled upon knowing he met him.

"He is, Dad! He's a friend and he peeled me two apples before going. You should have tea with him some time, Dad. I'm sure you'll gonna love him." I pointed out.

Cyan is a man of wisdom. I'm sure my Dad would fancy a tea with him. They have similar beliefs and are ao devoted to their works. I'm perfectly sure that they would be a perfect match as friends.

"I'll take note of that, darling." Dad said and smiled before reading the newspaper again.

"Is he really just a friend? Why would you recommend him to Dad? Sure he's not your boyfriend?" Kendrick teased and I glared at him.

"He's just a friend, okay?" I cleared and he just rolled his eyes.

Kendrick got one orange and started peeling it too. He ate one and mumbled to himself. "So many jerks are always lurking around you."

"What?" I asked because I couldn't get what he was saying. It sounded like gibberish. A bunch of nonsense, I guess.

"Nothing. Just recover quickly." he said and I just let him pass.

Kendrick is really a pain nowadays. Not sure if he's really a grown up or what. He looks like he's aging backwards. Too much to handle.

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