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I winced in pain when I touch my cheeks who kissed the floor seconds ago. Why is my first day at work becoming a hell? I even saw two people that I know in real life. My prayer for today was so simple. Have a nice first day at work and go home without a scratch. Does God really want to beat the hell out of me? I'm seriously not expecting this to happen.

Why is Luke even here? I wasn't aware that they were friends. If I didn't stop them from helping me, my cover might have been blown already. Luke knows me so well that he even knows my natural scent. I know that he knows because we played guess who fora thousand times with our other friends. And Luke admitted it himself. That he knows my natural scent. He might be able to recognize me if he moved any closer. All this trouble for just my first day. All I can say is, shit.

Now I don't know what or who might pop out on my next days here at the company. It was a dumb move when I applied here without knowing its background. I should have did some research first before accepting this job. Now I have Zachary as my boss and Luke as a frequent visitor. If I'm not cautious, I'll be caught right away. What a nice plan in getting caught, if I may add. Goodness Kendra. Is this what my destiny holds?

This wasn't what I was expecting to happen at all.

"Ms. Carter? Oh gosh!" Hera said when she saw me in my office.

I looked at her with teary eyes. My cheek is hurting me so much.It was too painful to just open my mouth. When I do, my cheek stings. And I am well aware how red my cheek is right now. It was as if an elephant's foot had stomped on my cheek. It was red as a tomato!

"What happened to you? Your cheeks are swollen and red." Hera pointed out and I pouted.

I couldn't honestly tell her the story behind this. It's embarrassing and no need to mention.

"I had a bit of a trouble. What do you need, Hera?" I asked because she usually comes by when she has some concern or favors regarding work. 

"Oh dear, let's not talk about that first. I'll get an ice pack to put on your cheeks to reduce the swelling." Hera informed me and rummaged the display cabinet.

My eyes grew wide when she suddenly got a first aid kit out of nowhere. I wasn't even aware that I have a first aid kit inside my office. Now that's new. And I was thankful that Hera came by. At least someone can treat my cheeks. They were so swollen and red.

"Sorry for the trouble, Hera." I apologized after she finished treating my swollen cheeks.

"It's fine, Violet. See, your cheeks aren't swollen anymore." she exclaimed and held a mirror in front of me. I looked at myself and Hera was right.

"What was the reason you went here again?" I brought the topic because I don't want her to forget the thing she was here for.

"Right!" she said and grabbed the envelope she brought here with her. She gave it to me and smiled.

"What is this for?" I asked and opened the envelope. A check was inside of it.

"It's for the coffee expenses of the CEO. The finance gave it to me yesterday. You can just go to this bank where the CEO is associated with. They'll give you cash right away if you present that check to them."

Hera handed me a note with the name of the bank. I knew the bank because that was also the bank that I keep my money to. It's a very trustworthy bank owned by my acquaintance's family.

"I'll be on my way now, Violet. Take care!" Hera smiled brightly and bid goodbye before leaving my office.

"It's amazing that there's a certain amount of money just for the CEO's coffee. He must like them so much." I mumbled to myself as I stare at the check. 

I was informed that the boss only drinks coffee every after two days. So I'm not worried about his caffeine intake actually. It's fine. It's just every after two days.

I made sure that my cheeks weren't swollen before going back to work. I need to disseminate the emails that are sent to the CEO. Only important ones can be forwarded to him. That's what I needed to take note on. My day seemed to be in peace again after that embarassing moment in Zachary's office. I had dissected almost all he emails and forwarded Zachary the important emails he have to read.

I was so busy reading and inspecting the emails that I did not noticed it was already lunch break. Good thing that the company has an hour designated for the lunch break of the employees. At least I can eat with enough time. 

Hera rang my phone once to remind me about lunch. She also invited me to eat with her and the others in the cafeteria. I did not think twice and said yes. Having friends in your workplace is a great thing. It helps building camaraderie and a friendly environment at work.

While I was on my way to the cafeteria where Hera is, I suddenly thought of Cyan. Starting today, I won't be able to give him his lunch. Will Aunt Emerald manage? I kind of felt worried that Auntie might forget to bring Cyan his lunch.

Aunt Emerald:
I forgot to bring him lunch today Kendra. I'm too busy in the supermarket because we're short of employees. I think Cyan will manage himself.

Aunt Emerald replied after I asked her about it. I grimaced and felt even worried. A doctor like Cyan might choose not to eat lunch because of his busy schedule. But that's not good.
I visited a food delivery website and paid for the food to be delivered to Cyan's hospital. I'll just ask Cyan if he received the food when I get back home. I put my phone on my pocket and went to the cafeteria.

Hera waved her hands at me and I walked to their direction. She was with other employees from other departments.

"She's the new secretary I was talking about. Violet, these are my friends." Hera introduced me to them one by one and I excused myself to get food.

When I got back, they asked me about myself. I engaged in every conversation I can and I felt happy with them. They seemed like nice people. Which I can easily associate with.

"I really hope you become the longest secretary to ever serve the boss." Lucy, from the finance department said.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously and finished the food on my plate.

"You see, no secretary ever served him for a long time. They mostly last from three to four months and they get fired right away." Freya from the marketing department said.

"Why did they get fired? Is there a curse or something?" I asked because there are always those kind of rumors in every company.

"We're in no age to still believe about curses. The real reason they get fired is that they chose to work here not because of the company's good standing in the industry but because of the CEO." Fred, the head of the operations department uttered.

"They work here to flirt with the boss but they all failed. That's why you can't see the boss name on the chart just by the elevator." Lucy remarked and I looked at the chart.

There was a chart on the left side of the elevator that has the department's name on the left column and the name of the head of the department on the right column. Strangely, there was nothing listed on what was on the 12th floor and who is occupying that floor.

Now I got why it has nothing written on it and why the CEO's name wasn't stated on the door to his office.

"Not to offend you Violet but do you perhaps, chose to work here because of the reason I just said?" Lucy asked again and I blinked.

"Honestly, I applied here without even knowing the company's background." I confessed because that was the truth anyway.

"What? Are you serious?" Hera asked and I nodded shyly.

"I was desperate to have a job that I just applied to anywhere I can. Luckily, M. Steels contacted me and accepted me as the secretary."

"That's a relief to hear then." Hera said and we ended the lunch break in peace.

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