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This was the life.  Binge watching T.V. on a Saturday night with your bed clothes on and a blanket to cuddle with. You didn't mind being alone like this. Sure going out with friends is fun, but sometimes you just have to take time for yourself. Enjoy the things that make you happy.

Smiling in satisfaction, you were about to take a bite of your ice cream, when your whole house shook. By you, there was a blue light that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. This is for sure not normal, but since you didn't know what it was, you decided that staying put would be the best thing. Just in case what ever it is, thinks it's fun to chase victims.  Watching it carefully, you blinked when a boy stepped through and the blue light vanished. That answered your question to what that was, but it left you with another question. Who is that?

The one thing that stood out about this boy was his pointed ears and the wings on his back. They almost looked like some kind of mist, but solid. You wondered, if you touched them, would they feel like air or silk? When the boy turned to you, he smiled in a way that would charm any girl.

"Hello, (Y/N)." He greeted, freaking you out even more, "Don't be alarmed, I just came to take you out."

"Hell no. Forget that." You growled, throwing a pillow at his head as a distraction. There was no way you were going to die by some guy who decided to, bibbidi bobbidi boo, his way into your house. Making a run for the door, you yelled as he grabbed your arm and held you in place.
"What part of don't be alarmed meant to panic?" He sighed holding up the pillow, "Also that was a very rude way to greet a guest."

"You're here to kill me and you think I care about politeness?" You snapped, attempting to pry his hands off your wrists. When he gave you a confused expression though, you paused.

"I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to take you on a date." He clarified, finally seeming to get where the mix up was. Calming down, you rolled your eyes and pulled your hand from his grasp, easily.

"You should start with that." You sighed sitting back on the couch, "However, I'm not going out."

"You really should though." Frowning at how persistent he was being, you got comfortable. Something told you his explanation was going to be a long one.

"Not that it will make a difference, but start explained, because I'm not going anywhere with a random guy who's demanding I go on a date with him."

He was silent as he thought about it before sitting by you with a nod, "That's understandable. It was pretty sudden of me. Well, to start, I am Prince Oberon, heir of the Water Fey tribe. The youngest of four brothers. I'm here to ask you if you will go on a date with me."

At least you got one answer. Pursing your lips together you sighed in slight annoyance.

"Okay, why do you want to date me, specifically? There are plenty of other girls out there and we don't know each other." 

"I do know you though. I've watch you for many years." That's not creepy at all, "Actually, since I don't want to, and can't, lie to you, this is kind of a bet with my brothers."

Frowning at his words, you glared at him while crossing your arms. He's a little to honest, but he did tell you that you were just going to be a pawn to a game of his. Panic crossed his face when he saw your reaction.

"It's not just that. I wanted to ask you out anyway, but I've been to nervous to. I figured that you would say no to me since I'm a random fey."

"Then breaking into my house to kidnap me on this date was a better option?" You huffed, smirking when you could practically see him work out the flawed logic to his plan. 

"You're right, that was very irrational of me. I apologize, but I really would like to take you on a date, please?"

Sighing, while leaning against the couch, you thought about it. You were definitely not happy about being used for a bet. Then again, he's been completely honest with you. Minus some miscommunication.

"What's this bet?" You muttered, which made his hope rise, "It's a question, not an answer."

"They don't think I, a fairy, can hold a lasting relationship with a human." He grumbled, clearly upset, "Fey are known for playing with mortals. I don't though. My brothers think there's something wrong with me. When I told them I wanted a real relationship, rather than a one night stand, they laughed at me. So, they made this bet. If I can hold a relationship for five months or longer, they will leave me alone about it."

Blinking at him, you could hardly believe what you were hearing. Even if no one else knows that fairies are real, they know about how the fey only see humans as toys. He says he wants a real lasting relationship though. You've never heard stories about that. However, because he is a fairy, you know he's not lying. He's really taking dating you seriously.

Jumping at his sigh, you watched him stand, with a frown that made you a little upset, "Never mind, they're probably watching and laughing at me right now. I'm very sorry for, scarring you, breaking into your house, and kidnapping you. You don't have to see me again." 

Sure he might have started off in the wrong direction, but he really wasn't that bad. He's trying to have a long lasting relationship. Which for his species, you imagine would be hard. He even told you about the bet, which you doubt anyone would have told you. For a fairy, he's pretty sweet. Not to mention he was a good looking prince, that's just a bonus. Considering this is the only time someone has asked you out in a long time, you're not really against dating him. Looking down, you gasped when you saw your ice cream, ruined on the floor.

"Hey, Oberon." You called, making him turn to you, "You made me drop my ice cream."

"Oh, I'm sorry." he apologized.

"That's not going to work." You sighed, standing, "You're going to have to get me another one. I'll go change and we can go."

"Go?" He seemed absolutely confused before his blue eyes widened in excitement, "Are you saying yes to a date?"

"Well, let's start with a movie night, then see where it goes from there." You hoped to calm his down slightly, but he only seemed to grin wider. Sighing, with a grin, you quickly changed into jeans and a plain T-shirt. It's not like you were going to dinner, but that didn't stop you from fixing your hair slightly. Not that you meant to impress him or anything. 

"Ready to go?" You asked, noticing that he was throwing something away. Glancing down, you saw that he had cleaned the spill. You didn't expect that, but you're grateful for it.

"Absolutely." He cheered, opening the front door for you, "I might be going to quickly again, but do I have a chance at a second date?" 

"So long as you don't break into my house again, you'll have a better chance." You chuckled, earning a laugh from him, "I'm not going to let you live that down for a while."

"If it keep you with me for as long as it last, I don't mind."

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