Male Medusa

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This was asked for by Alexa1969349! The reader is blind and a female, kind of like the last one, but I did change somethings. Enjoy!

Smelling the breakfast food being cooked, woke up. Sounds like everyone else is getting ready. Feeling around for your clothes, you found them and carefully made sure you put them on correctly. Checking the tags specifically, so you wouldn't look like an idiot.

"(Y/N), are you done?" Hearing your mother's voice, you felt around for the zipper and crawled out of the tent. Let's be honest, even if you could see, no one can really get out of a tent without tripping.

"Yep." You answered pulling your shoes on, then grabbing your walking stick and walking towards the sounds of the fire. Feeling paper nudge your arm, you accepted it from the person on your left. Not knowing or caring who it was, food comes first.

"So, we're in agreement to explore the south end of the temple next?" Hearing the group leader talking things over, you stayed silent. You have no idea if you've been to that side or not. Of course, when you first got to the island, you wandered around. According to your mother, you got lost, but you could still hear them, so you knew you were fine.

Finishing your food, you stood and carefully felt around until you felt the firepit ring, where you set your plate.

"(Y/N), we're going." Your mom called, as you felt her grab your arm and lead you away, "Now remember, no wandering off. We don't want anything to happen."

"I was fine yesterday mom." You sighed, "Besides, we're on an island. It's not like I'm going to be able to go where you can't find me and no one is going to be able to kidnap me here."

Receiving silence from her, you knew she wasn't listening. She's probably thinking about her job. Using your stick to make sure nothing was in your path, you hummed when the sounds of stepping on rocks, turned to the soft patter of marble. Whoever built this temple was rich long ago.

"Okay, (Y/N), stay here." Your mom ordered as you felt her pull you into what felt like a chair made of stone. Sighing, you heard her walk off. So much for this being a fun trip, like she promised. With how she treats you, nothing is really fun. Hearing their footsteps fade, you shook your head. If they would at least let you walk with them, it would be better.

"What are you doing sitting on my throne?" Jumping at the voice behind you, it took a short time for your racing heart to calm down from the surprise. The voice belonged to a man, but you couldn't recognize it. Then again, with everyone often time talking over each other, you can't pick out voices yet.

He did say the throne was his, so chances are that the team asked for his permission to be here.

"I was told to stay here." You explained, "Mom and the others think that because I'm blind, I'm a nuisance."

"You're blind? That would explain a lot." Why did he sound surprised at that? Everyone on the team knows that.

"I am." You answered, tensing when you heard the hiss of several snakes around. It doesn't surprise you that there are snakes around, but the idea of them still unsettled you.

"Don't worry, those are just my pets. They won't hurt you." He assured you, carefully grabbing your hand, with his cold hands, "Let's go find your mother and we can all discuss this."

"Okay, Mr?" You attempted to get a name from him, which he must have known because he laughed.

"It's Karan." He introduced, which is when you felt him kiss your hand, "May I know your name?"

"(Y/N)," You chuckled, not used to being treated like this. Most guys just avoid you. Feeling him hook your arm with his, you let him lead you.

"(Y/N), it's as pretty as the flowers that grow here." He hummed, which is when you felt something lightly touch your nose. Feeling it, you grinned when it felt like a flower. 

"Thank you, Karan." You smiled, then jumped at the piercing shriek that hurt your ears.

"Get away from her!" Your mom screamed before you felt her grab your wrist and try to pull you away.

"Wait, don't do that." It sounded like a warning from him, but you screamed as your mom's hand turned rough and hard. Locking your hand in place, painfully. It almost like you would have to tear you hand off just to get free.

"Get away from them." You heard the others marching towards you all, but suddenly their footsteps went silent. It sounded like Karan had muttered something, but you were too busy trying to get free to listen.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. Here, let me help." He ordered as you felt the hand that used to be your mom's.

"You won't be able to. It's solid rock." You whimpered, hurting even more now. There was a loud sound of rock breaking before you could move your hand. Then you felt him tear the rock away from your wrist. From the burning feeling, you knew that there was a large burn on your wrist now.

"There's a pond over here. We can heal you." He explained, grabbing your hand and pulling you along. You only nodded as you went with him. Sitting down on a rock, where you could hear water right by you.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." He apologized as you put your wrist in the water, "I thought the others had glasses like you. I'm sorry."

Staying silent, you focused on keeping your hand in the water. When it felt better, you turned to him.

"You keep apologizing, like it's your fault mom turned to stone." You chuckled a little sadly. He was silent for a while, which made you wonder if he left.

"I did." He muttered, "What do you know about Greek monsters?"

"Just the classics, I suppose. Sirens, Cyclopes, Medusa." You didn't really understand where this was going.

"Well, what if I told you that Medusa was actually a man?" He questioned, grabbing your hand and pulling it up. You didn't know why, until your skin got goosebumps at the sleek feeling of wiggling snakes on his head. Letting everything settle, you tried to calm down.

"You're Medusa?"

"I am Karan, they just changed the story." He grumbled, "I didn't mean to turn your mom or your group to stone, honestly. I was just going to offer to walk you around while they worked. I'm sorry."

Considering that he apologized a lot, you knew he was serious. He didn't mean to do you. Reaching out, you felt around until you found his face. Carefully rubbing his cheek in an attempt to calm him down.

"I know you didn't mean to. I can hear how sincere you are. I forgive you."

Hearing his gasp, you smiled as you felt him nuzzle against your hand, "Thank you, (Y/N). I really don't feel like I deserve to be forgiven."

"You never meant to turn others to stone. You aren't to blame for your curse." You pointed out, "You deserve to be treated as a human too. Here's the thing though, I can't drive a boat so I can't leave this island."

"Then stay here." He almost sounded like he was pleading, "I haven't had anyone stay with me since I was cursed. It would be nice to finally have someone to talk to. There's more than enough food and water here for both of us. I'll take care of you."

Smiling with a small laugh, you nodded.

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