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This was asked for by LizardQueen1! Thank you for the request and for helping with the story! Enjoy :D

"(Y/N), we need you to check these fabrics." A nymph called, as you hurried over to their corner. Feeling each one and looking down at the sketch of the dress. Trying to figure out which one would go best with it and which one your boss, Eric, would like with it.

"Go with the white Georgette fabric." You decided, already knowing what they were going to ask next, "Paint titanium in gold for the waist and the designs for the attachments between the dress and the cape. When you are done with that, come fine me and we'll pick out the gems."

"(Y/N), we need help over here." Trying not to roll your eyes, you followed the dwarf to their level of the building, the jewelry area, "We can't figure out the design for this one or what gem to use. Who ever designed this one is off their medication."

Examining the picture, you found that he was right. The picture was hard to make out, but you could faintly see what it was. Grabbing a piece of paper, you drew a better sketch of what it should look like.

"It looks to be a dragon. Probably for the dragoness ambassador. Silver dragon with the wings going from the neck and cupping over the shoulders, the front of the dragon will go have it's head under her chin with the body lining up the center of her chest. The eyes, spikes along the back and the claws on the ends of the wings will be blue tanzanite to match her eyes."

"Thank you (Y/N)." at that the dwarf paused and looked around as if realizing that you were the one helping, "Where's the big man, Mr. Eric, at?"

"He's pent up in his office. Trying to create the master piece for this Gala." You sighed glancing at the clock before smiling, "I'm filling in for him, but I'm going to lunch now. If anyone asks, tell them to get Rosie. I'll be back in 30."

Managing to sneak to the elevator, you sighed in exhaustion when you were finally in a quiet area. Sometimes, you don't know why you still work here.  Sure it was always a dream of yours, but you never counted on how hectic it could be. Working for a fashion company, that is considered one of the best when it comes to formal wear is a huge honor, but considering the fact that you're working nearly 12 hours with only a two breaks and a 30 minute lunch, doesn't make you want to stay. 

The sudden surprise that the company you worked for was chosen to design every dress and suit for every creature from every country, for the Gala, doesn't make this job easier. Everyone has been working hard for the past two months and the Gala is next week. Finally reaching your desk on the top floor, you had just sat down when your desk phone rang. Trying not to groan, you answered it.

"(Y/N), come inside. I've got it!" Winching at your boss's loud cheer, you hung up and opened the large doors leading to his office. Looking around at the webs that were attached in seemingly random places. You've known your boss for a long time though. Long enough to know that he the way he places those are to help him relax when coming up with ideas. There wasn't a desk in sight, but two mannequins stood before the large windows. 

Your boss, stood before them. Six of his eight spider legs holding his up. You imagined he was using the front two legs to sew and cut the webs he makes from his mouth.

"Yes Mr. Eric?" You asked, trying to keep the tiredness from your voice.

"So I found a sketch book of fashion ideas and I found one that I really liked. They were all good though, I had to pick this specific one for the shinning jewel of the gala though." Eric rambled.

Glancing around him, your eyes widened slightly at the outfit. It was one you came up with, in your spare time a while ago. Wiping the surprise off your face as he turned to you, a small scream in your mind, telling you that he was plotting something.

"It's pretty." You hummed, "Where did you find it?"

"In a desk. Found it while I was looking for more black dye for my webs." He answered, shrugging his shoulders, but circling you, "Tell me, because it doesn't have a name, do you know who this book belongs to?"

He held up your drawing book, with a smirk. Clearly he knows it's yours, but he wants to hear you say it. To be honest, you're to tired to play his games. Sure you both tease each other from time to time, but with how busy things are, you're not in any mood to make jokes or tease.

"Yes. It's mine." You sighed, snatching it from him, "I draw in my spare time."

"You didn't think to share them with me?" he gasped, "I feel so hurt."

"I really don't want them out there for anyone else to take credit for them." You answered bluntly, examining the outfit. Tearing that page you, you shoved it to him, now annoyed that he went through your desk and stole what belongs to you. First he seats you with all his work and appointment so he can work on his own little thing, then he steals from you to take the credit? You're absolutely done with this.

"I'm tired of this. Do what you want with it. I'm going back to break." You growled, going to open the door to leave, but a web shot at the doors kept the firmly closed. Pursing your lips, to hold back a growl, you glared at him.

"I wasn't done." He pointed out, rolling a chair towards you, "I know these were yours. I was hoping you would be in a playful mood, but I see the stress of the job has gotten to you. I'm sorry for that."

Sending him another glare, you sat down to let him finish. After all, it might be the only time you get to sit today.

"This is a lovely master piece as were all your others. I truly did have a hard time picking out of all of them." He explained, "You have a gift and though I know you've wanted to design, I set you as my personal assistant to keep you close to me. I'm sorry, for being selfish, but only a little."

Calming down, you closed your eyes with a nod. You can't stay mad at him for long and the bad part is, he knows that. It's why you've stayed at this job for so long.

"I know how hard you work and therefore, I'm giving you a reward." He announced. Snapping your eyes open in shock, you opened your mouth to ask him what surprise, when you gripped the seat as he spun it.

Everything was a fast blur, but you could feel his webs landing on you. It almost felt like he was trying to turn you into a mummy. When he had his fun, he stopped the spinning chair. You barely were able to find his arm to hang onto as you tried to stop your head from spinning.

"That wasn't much of a surprise." You sighed, standing. He only smirked before rolling a mirror to you. Feeling your jaw drop, you examined the outfit in the mirror. It was the one you made, only specifically tailored to fit you.

"(Y/N), I'm taking you to the gala with me and I'm making you a partner in my company." He announced, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "We'll be working side by side. Taking credit where it's due. Even sharing this office if that's what you want."

"Are...are you kidding me?" You gasped, before smiling and hugging him tightly, "That's amazing! Thank you so much."

"There is one thing you must do for me though." He stopped you, with his face going red, "Date me?"

"Date you?" now that you said it out loud, your own face got red as you avoided looking him in the eyes. That was unexpected. You've known him for years and you can easily say he's your best friend. It's not like dating him would be bad in your opinion. Burring you face in your hands with a nod, you weren't prepared for him to pick you up and spin you around.

"I was hoping you would say yes." He cheered hugging you tighter than you hugged him earlier, "You just made me the happiest creature on earth."

Chuckling, you waited for him to put you down, but blinking up at him when he didn't.

"You should probably set me down now." You pointed out, earning a headshake from him.

"Nope. We have a lot to do for the gala and I want to make sure your outfit is ready. Let's go tell only the best of our team to get started on our outfits. We are going to be the best looking ones at the Gala!" He cheered, carrying you to the work place himself, in his excitement. Maybe this job will be worth it after all.

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