Yandere Orc Husband

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This was requested by Cherry_love_rose2! Warning there is violence in this one. Enjoy!

Ducking down as several bullets flew by your head, you ran into a metal building as Gollik slammed the metal door shut.

"This was a bad idea from the start." He growled, "Next time, Rob can send one the other teams to get an artifact."

Scoffing at that statement you stuffed the dragon statue in your duffle bag. He's said that ever since you two started dating nearly 10 years ago. Almost every other mission he threatens that you and he will finally quit working for the museum. There's always some other mission waiting for you two when you get back though. Even after you two got married, almost 6 years ago, your honeymoon was mostly retrieving a scroll from Atlantis while fighting off a kraken.

"Honey, you say that all the time." You chuckled, earning an eyeroll from him as he barricaded the door with several crates.

"I mean it this time." He huffed, "I think it might be about time I take you back to my tribe to actually introduce you to my family. Maybe start our own life and family."

"It is about time. Pretty sure we tried talking about kids before, right?" you agreed, dragging him behind some crates when the door and crate lurched violently. Sounds like the Azura Dragon Clan was getting angry.

"Are you two seriously talking about personal life on a mission?" Hearing Rob's voice in your earpiece, you rolled your eyes. Smirking when you Orc husband copied you.

"Considering we don't get any other time to, yes." You sighed, glancing around for an exit. 

Finding a smaller window on the other side. Handing him the bag, you motioned to the window, then to the gun at your side. He frowned for a minute, like he was debating it. That window isn't big enough for him. Considering you're the only one who can fit through it, you'll have to climb through and scare the dragon clan away long enough for him to escape through the door. He's always hated when you would put yourself at risk, but he's known you long enough to know that there's no changing your mind. 

Nodding, you two moved to the window so he was able to lift you up. After finally getting the window open, you climbed out, and stayed close to the building as you went around. Pulling your gun out for the distraction. Luckily, working for the museum gives you bullets to take down nearly any kind of creature. Dragon bullets are hard to obtain otherwise. Smirking when you saw the four dragons in their human form, you aimed and fired. Hitting one in the shoulder, which made them scatter to take shelter. With the city banning the turning to true creature forms, these dragons aren't able to fly away. It doesn't hurt to kill some of them though.

 Aiming and shooting several more times, you smiled in excitement. You and Gollik just might make it out of this uninjured. 

Taking several more shots, you tried and failed to suppress a scream when you felt a burning pain in your stomach. One of them managed to actually hit you, with their blind shooting. Feeling another bullet hit your shoulder, you dropped to the ground. So much for being uninjured. It didn't take long for Gollik to round the corner to you. His mouth dropping open when he saw you.

"(Y/N)?" Giving him a weak nod, the last thing you saw before blacking out what his blade.

Thankfully, that wasn't the first thing you saw when you woke up. You were looking up at a plain ceiling, with the sound of a beeping monitor nearby. Already knowing you were in the Museum hospital, you turned to see Gollik on your right, sitting in a chair. He was pale and a bit skinnier than when you saw him before you passed out.

"Gollik?" You called, not sure if he was asleep or not.

His head snapping up to you in wide shock answered that question though. He almost looked in disbelief as he moved over you to cradle your face.

"Sweetheart, you're really awake." He whimpered, kissing you so long that you felt a little lightheaded when he pulled away.

"That's a way to wake up." you hummed, offering him a smile in an attempt to make him feel better, "Was the mission completed?"

"Depends on who you ask." Frowning, you looked to the door as Rob and a doctor came in, "Apparently, your husband doesn't have a brain when you're gone. Every mission we given him, since you've been out, he goes overboard. Even the Azura Dragon Clan is extinct because he killed them all."

"They almost killed (Y/N)!" Gallik yelled.

"We needed one of them for questioning. Now we don't have that." Rob snapped, looking down at his phone with a frown, "As much as it pains me to send you again, you're the only one we have available. You've got another mission that you leave for in two hours."

"(Y/N) just woke up from a two-month coma." the doctor explained removing wires and tubes from you, "Give them time together as a married couple."

Feeling your breath catch in your throat, you looked at the doctor and Gollik. Gollik looking a little upset at the memory but gave you a small smile when you grabbed his hand.

"I am." Rob sighed leaving the room. 

Even the doctor looked annoyed before she turned back to you, "(Y/N), as you now know, you've been in a coma for nearly two months, but that's not the worst of it, I'm afraid. The bullet was close to your spine when we removed it. We tried everything we could, but for now you're paralyzed from the waist down."

You're paralyzed? How are you going to do anything yourself? How are you supposed to work or do anything with Gollik? Sure, you've been injured many times, but never paralyzed.

"With therapy and time, you can walk again though." Looking up at the doctor, you nodded, though you were still processing the news. You snapped out of it though, when Gollik picked you up off the bed and set you in a wheelchair.

"Thank you, Doc. We'll looking into therapy doctors." Gollik assured her, before crouching down to look you in the eye, "Sweetheart, you're going to be okay. You'll be up and walking in no time."

Nodding, you glanced at the clock as he started pushing you out, "What about your mission? Shouldn't you get ready to go?"

"I'm not. We're really quitting." He answered, "Almost loosing you was the last straw for me. Everyone else has quit because of Rob, we are too."

"You're not going anywhere." Looking over your shoulder at Rob and several armed guards, you saw the Rob looked furious, "We are in a bunch of trouble with the Scarlet Dragon Clan because of you. You owe us a bunch of make-up work."

"You owe us for (Y/N) almost dying." Gollik growled, putting you in a corner, but facing the group. It was always his way of protecting you when he knew that there would be people who were going to die.

"Then let's settle that." Rob hissed before one of the guards pointed a gun at you, "Continue working for us, or (Y/N) get killed."

He really just threatened you. That's a mistake on his part. Looking up at Gollik as he turned and crouch down to your height, you gave him a small smile. He was visibly mentally fighting with himself on what to do. You know how he is and at this point, you don't care. From the way you both have been treated, you want Gollik to do what he very clearly wants to do.

"Honey, it's okay." You hummed, kissing him to calm him down, " Do what you need to. We can say the Skarlet Dragon Clan attacked. Leave no witnesses to say otherwise though."

He gave you a large smile before giving you a quick kiss. Even giving your hand a squeeze for comfort.

"That's one of the reasons I love you, (Y/N)." He chuckled, drawing his sword, with bloodlust in his eyes, "You know that dead men, tell no tales."

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