Mafia Werewolf

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This was requested by ReactionReflection! I hope you like it! Enjoy!

Glancing around the little dinner, you smiled when you saw that there were only a few people here. This place is the busiest at lunch, so you're not surprised. There are enough people here for you to observe and make characters for your book though. Turning to go to your usual table, you yelped as you collided with someone, and their drink poured on you. Shocked, you looked up at the man. Annoyance on his face as he tried to wipe some of the drink off his shirt.

"Watch where you're going!" He growled with slight animalistic rumble in his voice, a werewolf.

"I..I'm sorry." You apologized, shuffling back when he moved closer as if he was going to attack you.

He only moved past you though. Letting out a breath, you quickly backed away when you realized someone else was close to you.

"You are okay, da?" Looking up at the Russian accented voice, you immediately looked down when you realized it was another werewolf.

The new werewolf, looking down at you as if he was studying you. You know that werewolves are intimidating in their wolf form, but this man was just as intimidating in his human form. You weren't sure if it was the scar over his left eye or the fact that his eyes seemed to be cold, calculating blue. The man only huffed before holding some money out to you.

"For your trouble." He grumbled, surprising you.

"There's no need. It was an accident. It's not like he robbed me or anything." You assured him, trying to ignore the surprise on his face, "Besides, it seems like it was just water, so no harm done. Have a good night."

Wanting to get away from him as fast as possible, you made your way to your table. Not giving him a second to respond to you. You will admit that he was interesting though. Pulling out your journal, you started taking notes of the others in the dinner.

"We saw the accident," Your fairy friend, Eliza, announced as she set your usual food and drink on the table, "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

"Just cold and wet." You attempted to chuckle without shivering.

"I'll turn the heat up for you." she sighed, glancing at your notebook, "So any new interesting characters? Mafia, senator, or even a phoenix?"

"The mafia isn't real anymore and you know that." You laughed shaking your head, "The gang members known now are just people who want to act tough."

"I see these last couple of months living in the city hasn't made you wiser. Clearly you haven't heard of the Big Bad Wolf." She teased, taking some of your fries.

"Sure, because I'm supposed to scared of your make-believe mafia character named after a child's story."

Chuckling at her, you glanced past her. Seeing a group of werewolves leave. The Russian one watching you for a minute before leaving. Trying to shake the shiver down, you continued talking to Eliza. It's what you've done at least once a week and it's one of your favorite things to do. Sometimes even the cooks will join in the chats if business is that slow.

"I guess I should go home." You sighed, realizing it had gotten dark.

"Alright. We have to close up anyway," Eliza agreed, walking you to the door, "Be careful on your way home." 

Giving her a wave, you started walking. The closer you got home the more deserted the streets seemed to get. You were just glad there were enough streetlights for you to see. Yelling as someone suddenly grabbed your arm, you turned to the person. Fear racing through you as you saw the mean werewolf from earlier.

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