Phantom of the Opera

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This was requested by Alexa1969349! Thank you for the request and enjoy! Also, the song is "Hoist the Colors".

Finishing putting up the rest of the props, you nodded as the last of the staff and actors left. The only one left should be Christine. She usually stays after to work on her singing. You could swear that you hear two voices though. It creeps you out, but you know to mind your own business.

Humming a song your mother used to sing, you started to go clean the opera boxes. Up here, you knew no one could hear you. Christine will be too busy singing herself, she won't hear you. Madame Giry insists that you clean box 5 first. Heading into Box 5 to clean, you started to sing.

"The King and his men stole the queen from her bed and bound her in her bones. The seas be ours and by the powers where we will, we'll roam."

Pausing for a second, you shivered at the sudden cold air. There shouldn't be any drafts up here. confused, you headed towards the edge to see if someone left a door open on the lower floor. There weren't any doors open. Shrugging your shoulders, you decided to keep cleaning, by dusting the railing.

"Yo-ho, all together. Hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars. Never shall we die."

There was a guy's deep voice singing with you. Turning around, you tensed when you saw the rose on the table. You were sure no one else was up here with you. Surely, you would have heard them. 

Glancing around, you were hesitant as you picked up the rose. It was the signature of the Phantom. You've heard that he was terrorizing the opera house, but you hoped you would never have a close encounter.

"H..hello?" No response, obviously, not that you were going to stick around to find out.

You know what happened to those who got a close and personal encounter with the Phantom. You're not eager to have your own experience. Moving to the door, you felt your skin prickle at the cold air again.

"(Y/N)." Turning around as someone whispered your name.

You tried to scream when you saw the shadow figure and white mask. However, it pushed a cloth against your mouth and nose. The chemical smell hitting you as you tried to pry its hands away. Your strength started to fade as you got tired. The white mask drifting into view before everything went black.

It was the sound of singing and a pipe organ being played woke you up. That voice was oddly familiar. Opening your eyes, you looked around the room. Whoever kidnapped you clearly had a taste for the finer things in life. Doesn't mean you're comfortable with being kidnapped though.

Slipping off the bed, you risked a check on the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Time to make an escape. Creeping down the halls, you moved away from the music. The further from your kidnapper the better. Opening a door, your eyes widened when you saw that you were underground, but there was a large lake. Along the walls of the cave were glowing candles. There was no way to escape though.

"There's no leaving, (Y/N)." Yelping, you turned around to see a man standing behind you, "Come, you must be hungry."

"You're the Phantom, right?" You demanded, grabbing the doorframe to let him know that you weren't leaving that spot, until he answered, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Yes, I am the Phantom, as everyone likes to call me." He admitted, grabbing your hand tightly, "If I was truly a Phantom, I wouldn't be able to touch you though, correct."

He's got a point, but that just makes it worse, "Why did you bring me here?"

"You're voice." He answered plainly, before pulling you along, "You have the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. Even better than Christine's. I want to help you nurture your gift. To help you into the spotlight that you deserve."

"I don't want to be in the spotlight though." You objected, pausing when you saw all the food that was laid out on a table, "I just sing for my enjoyment and it's only the songs that were sang to me as a child."

"I can't let a talent like yours go to waste though." He objected, pulling a chair out for you and making you sit, "There must be something that you want. Some way to make you use your voice. Oh, eat. I prepared your favorites."

"How do you know my favorites?" You questioned taking a bite, hoping to move him away from the topic of your singing.

"Lurking in the shadows of the opera house, I was able to learn everything about everyone." He answered almost smirking under his mask, "Such as, I know you are not doing well. Not paid enough and you're about to lose your apartment. No family left or significant other. Rather a lonely life."

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you tried to think of a combat to that, "You should speak for yourself, Mr...Phantom?"

"Eric." He sighed, "You are right. It's always lonely in the shadows. I know you understand that loneliness. It's why, long ago, I struggled choosing between the two of you. You and Christine that is."

"You're the voice that sings with Christine." You gasped, shaking your head, "Why did you struggle between the two of us? You're not making sense."

"You understand my struggles." He explained, grabbing your hand much gentler this time, "You live your life in the shadow of others, much like I do. No one would care if you did become homeless. You would be shunned for it. Just like I have been shunned for being a monster. I chose Christine though because I hoped she could sing my music."

"Christine only want the lead roles." You pointed out, "She sings what she's told to by the directors."

"I know." He muttered, visibly upset, "I've given her everything she could want, yet she refuses me. I thought she could understand me. I was wrong. You should have been my first option."

"Mr. Eric, this almost sounds like a love confession." You coughed, blinking when he grabbed your chin to make you look at him.

"It is." He admitted, his fingers moving to touch your throat, as he got on his knees, "Your voice is perfect for my songs. I can offer you a place here with me. Everything you see here including my heart will be yours. All you have to do is sing with me. Please stay with this monster, (Y/N). I beg you."

That was almost tempting. Everything you ever wished for is down here. You could live like royalty. He kidnapped you, but you could see that he only did it, because he was lonely. You can guess that he's been down here, alone, for a long time. It actually made you sad to imagine him down here by himself. Not to mention, he's shown that he's more than willing to take care of you, when he made your favorite food, just for you. No one has ever done that for you. There is one problem though.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you looked away from him, "What about Christine?" 

"Nothing." He answered immediately, while pulling you to your feet with him, "She means nothing to me now. She refused to leave the light to be with me. She's broken my heart more times than she should have, I'm ashamed to say. You are much more kind than her."

Studying him closely, you could see hope in his golden eyes. He really means everything he says. You just meet him though. You don't know anything about him. However, you do know you've never had anyone look at you the way he is now. It gave you jittery butterflies in your stomach.

"Okay." You agreed, earning a big grin from him, "However, I have to tell you this. Love takes time to grow. I know nothing about you, really. I can't love a stranger. You'll have to tell me about yourself and one day, when you are ready, I want to see your face."

He faltered for a second at that. His smile dropping quickly. It was like he was thinking, before he slowly nodded.

"One day. When I am sure you no longer fear me or wish to leave me." He agreed, a small grin returning as he kissed your hand, "Now come. I want to compose a song for you. One inspired by you."

Smiling while shaking your head, you let him pull you along.

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