Yandere Werewolf: Remus

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Reaching the arena in your wolf from, you sighed at the four wolves fighting. Three of them were fighting head on. The white wolf, you noticed was circling the fight. You could easily tell that it was planning carefully. Deciding who to take out first. You've only seen a few omega's do that to deliver finishing blows. Rushing past the barking pack of wolves, cheering the fight on, you lunged at the white wolf as it targeted Boris. Tumbling with the wolf slightly, you managed to pin him on his back with a threatening growl. Making him whimper and look away before you turned to the group.

"Enough all of you." You snapped, making everyone go quiet, "None of you are deciding anything with this little fight."

"He started it." Boris growled nodding towards the white wolf still under you. Stepping off him, you backed up with a glare.

"An explanation would be preferred right about now." You grumbled, then turned to the large pack of wolves, "All of you go home. There is nothing to see here."

That earned a whine from all the wolves as the left. Now that they were gone, you turned human and glared down at the werewolves.

"Start now." you demanded crossing  your arms over your chest.

"(Y/N), he was the one who tackled me on our date." Boris accused glaring that the white wolf, while changing into a human.

"You were hurting, (Y/N)." The white wolf snapped, turning human. Shockingly, it was Remus. An angry Remus at that. You've seen, maybe, three omegas in their wolf forms in your whole life. You didn't realize the white wolf was Remus.

"What's more, you all were the ones who destroyed the firework stand I had and not only put everyone on the beach in danger, but (Y/N) as well." Remus argued, with absolute fury in his voice. He even tried to lunge at them again had you not held him back.  You didn't expect to hear his words though. Turning to the other guys, you found them all looking away.

"You really did that?" You gasped, "You all could have seriously hurt someone." 

"It wasn't that bad." Lowell grumbled looking away.

"Not that bad? You nearly killed all those people." You shrieked, "You're lucky those people panicked and took it as a bad firework stand."

"You were our main priority." Boris tried to defend, but you glared at him and grabbed Remus's arm, to stop him from lunging, yet again.

"Your main priority? Possibly severely hurting me and endangering others is making me a priority?" You growled, making them look down, "All three of you should be ashamed of what you did. To be honest, you are all poor examples of werewolves. Go home and think about what you did. I've made my choice. I'm choosing Remus."

This seemed to stun them as they looked between you and him. Almost all of them opening their mouths to protest, but a stern glare from you shut them up. The three of them marching off with their heads down.

"You're choosing me?" Remus questioned when the others were out of sight.

"I am." You repeated with a small smile, "I can tell that you want to keep me safe. Though, I hope you know, you can't always do that."

Catching his smirk, you blinked in surprise when he wrapped an arm around your waist, "Is that a challenge, my alpha? I should warn you, that I will not hesitate to kill to protect you. No Vampire, werewolf, or human will hurt you. After all, if you're hurt how else am I going to take you anywhere fun?"

"You sound like you're going to enjoy this challenge." You scoffed, leading him back to your house. With his still keeping an arm around you.

"Having you for my mate won't be a challenge and I'll enjoy every minute of it." He assure you, with a grin, "So long as others keep their distance."

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